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To stack or not to stack?

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  • To stack or not to stack?

    I heard that there has been a recent change in the way many BB's are using AAS off season; that instead of stacking they were blitzing with single compounds for short bursts of say 4 weeks.

    Clearly this has to be a fast acting compound so that its in the system quick and out again quick when the dosing stops, its supposed to shock the system with a regular change in compound on say a four weeks on and four weeks maintainer pattern, in addittion its supposed to cause less side effects; suppression, aromatisation etc.

    When it comes to competitions ofcourse you'd stack.

    Does anyone have any experience with this?

  • #2
    in anabolics 2004 they have a 24 week super blitz cycle that looks good but i have never tryed. they were switching every 6 weeks if you want let me know ill post it.


    • #3
      Yes post it bro. Better yet can you PM me it?


      • #4
        Originally posted by ROCKETW19
        in anabolics 2004 they have a 24 week super blitz cycle that looks good but i have never tryed. they were switching every 6 weeks if you want let me know ill post it.
        I'd like to see that one too.


        • #5
          week 1-6 400mgs test prop 100mgs anadrol ed
          week 7-12 225mgs tren 400mgs primo
          week 13-18 400mgs durabolin 40mgs d-bol ed
          week 19-24 400mgs test prop 225mgs tren 400mgs primo
          comments lean bulk with periodic use of 17aas bridged with injectable componds to minimize chance for liver toxicity.
          id probable run test e thru the whole cycle and use EQ instead of primo and run it from week 7 till 24


          • #6
            Looks like a good cycle! I might actually try it. But I might do some modifications to it. Like not run drol for 6wks! Run it for 4wks.

