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Contest Preparation Time

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  • Contest Preparation Time

    Weeks 1-10 Prop EOD 150mg
    Weeks 1-10 Primo. Depot PW 400mg
    Weeks 11-12 Susp. ED 100mg
    Days 1-50 Fina ED 100mg
    Weeks 7-12 Winny ED 50mg
    Weeks 9-12 Masteron EOD 100mg

    Weeks 1-2;5-6;9-10 Clen Up to 140mcg
    Weeks 3-4;7-8;11-12 ECA 25mg ephedrine/200mg caffeine; Twice daily
    Weeks 6-10 T-3 Up to 70mcg using the 5%/40%/55% rule.

    -3 days after last shot 300mg Clomid/2-7days after 100mg/8-21 50mg
    -May throw in HCG before starting clomid

    Diet (Subject to change):

    Meal 1) Breakfast
    1 pack oatmeal
    2 scoops nitrotech
    1 scoop celltech carb control

    Meal 2) 11 or noon
    7 oz chicken breast
    1 cup cooked rice

    Meal 3) 2 or 3 pm
    7 oz chicken breast
    1 cup cooked rice

    Meal 4) pre workout
    7 oz chicken breast
    1 cup cooked rice

    Meal 5) post workout
    1 Mesotech
    1 cell tech carb control

    Meal 6) before bedtime
    2 scoops nitro-tech

    280 / 253 / 12/ 2240

    ^ All Approx values and may add more healthy fats

    canadagold look familiar?

    As weeks go on I will cut the rice down as to lower my total carb intake.

    I know it's a lot of different substances and they may change as well because I don't know if I can or want to handle that many injections. I also will only use the t-3 if I see that I really need it. Critique away......

  • #2
    I think everything looks great but I would add some dark green vegetables just for an overall healthy diet, they won't add much calories but are such a good source of vitamins and fiber.


    • #3
      Re: Contest Preparation Time

      Originally posted by Lmg2701
      Weeks 1-10 Prop EOD 150mg
      Weeks 1-10 Primo. Depot PW 400mg
      Weeks 11-12 Susp. ED 100mg
      Days 1-50 Fina ED 100mg
      Weeks 7-12 Winny ED 50mg
      Weeks 9-12 Masteron EOD 100mg

      Weeks 1-2;5-6;9-10 Clen Up to 140mcg
      Weeks 3-4;7-8;11-12 ECA 25mg ephedrine/200mg caffeine; Twice daily
      Weeks 6-10 T-3 Up to 70mcg using the 5%/40%/55% rule.

      -3 days after last shot 300mg Clomid/2-7days after 100mg/8-21 50mg
      -May throw in HCG before starting clomid

      Diet (Subject to change):

      Meal 1) Breakfast
      1 pack oatmeal
      2 scoops nitrotech
      1 scoop celltech carb control

      Meal 2) 11 or noon
      7 oz chicken breast
      1 cup cooked rice

      Meal 3) 2 or 3 pm
      7 oz chicken breast
      1 cup cooked rice

      Meal 4) pre workout
      7 oz chicken breast
      1 cup cooked rice

      Meal 5) post workout
      1 Mesotech
      1 cell tech carb control

      Meal 6) before bedtime
      2 scoops nitro-tech

      280 / 253 / 12/ 2240

      ^ All Approx values and may add more healthy fats

      canadagold look familiar?

      As weeks go on I will cut the rice down as to lower my total carb intake.

      I know it's a lot of different substances and they may change as well because I don't know if I can or want to handle that many injections. I also will only use the t-3 if I see that I really need it. Critique away......
      Yeah, that diet does look familiar. . haha.. .just remember that my metabolism is like a freight train and I can get away with carbs more than most. . .also, I had at least one total junk day each week where i could go and eat whatever the hell I felt like which usually ended up being 4 double quarters, fries and coke at McMuscles. . .and don't forget to add in the good fats. .flax, almonds and some fish oil. . .as long as your weight does not start dropping more than 1.5-2 lb per week you will be fine. . .
      keep us posted!
      also, pump tech is awsome for making your workouts feel good again when you get to the end of the diet. . .it really does work. .and I don't get paid by mtech, I just get supps from them!
      keep safe


      • #4
        What about some simple carbs postworkout? Is that only recommended during bulking cycles?


        • #5
          Simple carbs should be taken while cutting, bulkin and maintaining post workout. Also, chicken and rice is going to get old, very fast, you'd better come up with a comparable alternative. As SC said, you'd better get some dark green vegetables and something with healthy fats, even if its a fish oil supplement. I hope that oatmeal packet isnt processed oatmeal from say, Quaker. That stuff is garbage and loaded with unneccessary sugars.

          Holy Muscle Tech Batman, bet this pre-contest prep cost you a pretty penny, their products are garbage anyway.

          Best of luck.


          • #6
            In your first meal I would throw in 6-8 egg whites and only have one scoop of your protein mix. Definitely add some green vegys in there. And what about cutting out the chicken in meal 4 and adding a 5oz top round steak instead? I usually cut out the steak when I'm 4 weeks out and replace it with chicken. Just a thought.


            • #7
              What show are you doing brother? What are your current stats?


              • #8
                What red meats are acceptable during a strict cutting diet? What cuts of steak should I use for the occasional red meat-I was considering also using whatever is the leanest cut for ground meat as well.
                Last edited by BBAddict; 02-12-05, 02:18 PM.


                • #9
                  As far as the chicken getting old, I'm preparing for that, I know it will taste like shit after a few weeks. I will be substituting red meat for the chicken occasionally at the start of the diet, but it will be very lean beef, maybe even fish too. I will be adding healthy fats throughout the day, probably in the protein shakes and I'll throw some greens in there too. I will be doing the Louisiana Bodybuilding Championships and then either National Collegiates or Greater Gulf States to qualify for nationals. Currently 5'7" 207 lbs.
                  Thanks for the advice guys. When I start my diet I'll start a thread and keep a journal of the progress.


                  • #10

                    Originally posted by YellowJacket
                    Simple carbs should be taken while cutting, bulkin and maintaining post workout. Also, chicken and rice is going to get old, very fast, you'd better come up with a comparable alternative. As SC said, you'd better get some dark green vegetables and something with healthy fats, even if its a fish oil supplement. I hope that oatmeal packet isnt processed oatmeal from say, Quaker. That stuff is garbage and loaded with unneccessary sugars.

                    Holy Muscle Tech Batman, bet this pre-contest prep cost you a pretty penny, their products are garbage anyway.

                    Best of luck.
                    YJ, why the boner for mtech products. . .I take them and I really do like them. .just as Jay cutler does (please, don't go and say he is just sponsored by them. . .my best friend meets with him every few months and he loves pump tech and he also loves cell tech)
                    They may cost more than some but I can honestly say that I don't get gut rot and stomach bloat from nitro-tech as I do with other cheap brands and i have tried them all; cell tech carb control is freakin awsome creatine mix (and yes, some don't react to creatine well, but most do; even you will have to admit that there are mountains of studies to back that up). . .if you can't afford them that is a legitimate concern, but if someone likes it and can afford it don't say it is garbage because of the price and the fact that they have great marketing.
                    p.s. I am not going to name names but there is a VERY well known bbuilder out there that EVERYONE knows in the community that does not even have a contract with them and he calls them every month and gets a shipment of their stuff; if it is such shit, why would this guy do so. .he is loaded with cash and can have his pick of anything he wants. . .feel free to have a stab at me but I am sticking with what I say and it is from personal experience as well as getting the info from people that do use the products. . .
                    For the most part, the employees at mtech are all into bodybuilding and they even have a yearly in-house shape up and body tranformation challenge with all different categories. . .great company.
                    Attached Files


                    • #11
                      Re: mtech..

                      Originally posted by canadagold
                      YJ, why the boner for mtech products. . .I take them and I really do like them. .just as Jay cutler does (please, don't go and say he is just sponsored by them. . .my best friend meets with him every few months and he loves pump tech and he also loves cell tech)
                      LMAO, who uses Muscle Tech because Jay Cutler does?? Then I guess I should wear Nike because Barry Bonds does, right? Good lord. If the rare instance he does use muscle Tech, Im sure he doesnt pay for his, if he even uses the shit. Its all overpriced, overhyped junk. Theres far better and far cheaper alternatives out there. Muscle Tech is highly regarded as the biggest joke in this sport.

                      PS. I have a friend who meets with George Bush every month and he loves Hot Pockets.

                      cell tech carb control is freakin awsome creatine mix (and yes, some don't react to creatine well, but most do; even you will have to admit that there are mountains of studies to back that up).
                      Carb control? So what'd they do? Drop the 75g of dextrose out of every serving and call it 'carb control' at the same great price of $65 a tub!!! Junk. Satur8, Xpand or Swole is much better than this shit.

                      .if you can't afford them that is a legitimate concern, but if someone likes it and can afford it don't say it is garbage because of the price and the fact that they have great marketing.
                      I dont care if I was a multi-millionaire, I wouldnt use the shit if it was given to me.

                      p.s. I am not going to name names but there is a VERY well known bbuilder out there that EVERYONE knows in the community that does not even have a contract with them and he calls them every month and gets a shipment of their stuff; if it is such shit, why would this guy do so. .he is loaded with cash and can have his pick of anything he wants. . .feel free to have a stab at me but I am sticking with what I say and it is from personal experience as well as getting the info from people that do use the products.
                      I bet and does this same bodybuilder get RIPPED by using Hydroxycut?? and does he add 15lbs of lean muscle in a week by using Nitro Tech?

                      For the most part, the employees at mtech are all into bodybuilding and they even have a yearly in-house shape up and body tranformation challenge with all different categories. . .great company.

                      Muscle Tech employees are scum. You dont get out much I see. Last year at, they had employees registering and posing as regular members and hyping their overpriced, useless garbage... Theyre the biggest scammers on the market, the most dishonest on the market, I thought everyone knew that, but apparently common knowledge isnt so common.....heres the link:



                      • #12
                        and another:


                        Last edited by YellowJacket; 02-12-05, 04:14 PM.


                        • #13
                          as I said. .

                          I figured you would be posting within 2 min of mine as you really have a hard on there for them. Seeing as my best friend has been with them over 5 years and I know a lot of them, I will have to dissagree and say that they are not scum, just normal people with normal jobs; and many of them are recruited at bodybuilding shows so that they are enthusiastic about the sport. . .
                          just let others make up their own minds what they want to take unless it is a completely bogus product like smilax. . .
                          I probably should not have even given you any of my time and just let you post away with your negative comments. .but sometimes it is hard to listen to people give others advice based on some shit they heard on the internet or some personal opinion because they have some vendetta against a particular brand etc.. .kind of like at the gym when I see some twig giving his friend advice on how to train and eat and I just have to eventually go over and put them straight. I may be a bodybuilder but I do have a uni education in health science ( which I don't use, because it is just that, education; not the end all and be all of my life) and I do take mtech supps. . .as does jay, just as I said, not because he is an athlete but because he likes them. . .I know tons of guys that are sponsored by one company and take another companies stuff. . .and the other guy I mentioned does not pay for them. .he is given them for free. . .
                          Please feel free to cut and paste my post into your qouted reply as is your standard method when attemting to tear another member down:). . .I won't be replying as I am sure that most people on this board are smart enough to make up their own minds as to what they can take and who to take advice from. . .I am also sure that they don't need to see us in here having a pissing match and they are used to me being a real nice guy and keeping to myself except when I am giving some good advice. .hey, if they want to know cheap places to get supps I can give them a list as long as my arm. . I have only been in this game for 18 years and at one point was also a poor student so I think I am qualified.
                          keep safe

                          p.s. Jay sure looks like he thinks mtech employees are assholes here ..but you know everyone and who they REALLY are.
                          Attached Files


                          • #14
                            sorry bro. .

                            Originally posted by Lmg2701
                            As far as the chicken getting old, I'm preparing for that, I know it will taste like shit after a few weeks. I will be substituting red meat for the chicken occasionally at the start of the diet, but it will be very lean beef, maybe even fish too. I will be adding healthy fats throughout the day, probably in the protein shakes and I'll throw some greens in there too. I will be doing the Louisiana Bodybuilding Championships and then either National Collegiates or Greater Gulf States to qualify for nationals. Currently 5'7" 207 lbs.
                            Thanks for the advice guys. When I start my diet I'll start a thread and keep a journal of the progress.
                            I hope your diet goes great whatever supps you use. . .they all work, just have different prices so if that is a concern, I can give you a list of others:)
                            Sorry about hijacking your thread into a supplement company war:D
                            p.m. me if you need any other advice. ..I actually do use hydroxy to get cut as I said. . .but then, I guess I could use xenadrine etc. . .like I said, they are all the same. .just different labels, flavors etc. . .make your own choice just like i have made mine:)
                            keep safe


                            • #15
                              Re: as I said. .

                              Originally posted by canadagold
                              I figured you would be posting within 2 min of mine as you really have a hard on there for them. Seeing as my best friend has been with them over 5 years and I know a lot of them, I will have to dissagree and say that they are not scum, just normal people with normal jobs; and many of them are recruited at bodybuilding shows so that they are enthusiastic about the sport.
                              Normal people? Spamming their shit on websites? Thats normal? interesting. Visit various forms and type in "muscle tech" in the search engine and read the comical posts you get, people trashing their shit. Thats EMPERICAL, PERSONAL feedback you love.

                              just let others make up their own minds what they want to take unless it is a completely bogus product like smilax. . .
                              Like Cell Tech?

                              I probably should not have even given you any of my time and just let you post away with your negative comments. .but sometimes it is hard to listen to people give others advice based on some shit they heard on the internet or some personal opinion because they have some vendetta against a particular brand etc..
                              ITs a good thing that people like me are around to stop the bogus advice given by others. Because you love Muscle Tech doesnt make it the almighty brand, I dont care if Jesus used it, Muscle Tech products are garbage. Like I said, if you use it because Jay Cutler does, youre whats wrong with the industry.

                              kind of like at the gym when I see some twig giving his friend advice on how to train and eat and I just have to eventually go over and put them straight.
                              By eading your advice on this board, maybe it'd be best if you just trained and not gave advice.

                              I may be a bodybuilder but I do have a uni education in health science ( which I don't use, because it is just that, education; not the end all and be all of my life) and I do take mtech supps.

                              So whats the point? Your university taught you to use Muscle Tech? I too have a university education? I still dont get the point.

                              .as does jay, just as I said, not because he is an athlete but because he likes them.
                              He gets paid to like them

                              . .I know tons of guys that are sponsored by one company and take another companies stuff. . .and the other guy I mentioned does not pay for them. .he is given them for free. . .
                              Everyone likes things when their free.... ever knocked something you got for free? Doubt it.

                              Please feel free to cut and paste my post into your qouted reply as is your standard method when attemting to tear another member down:). . .I won't be replying as I am sure that most people on this board are smart enough to make up their own minds as to what they can take and who to take advice from. . .I am also sure that they don't need to see us in here having a pissing match and they are used to me being a real nice guy and keeping to myself except when I am giving some good advice. .hey, if they want to know cheap places to get supps I can give them a list as long as my arm. . I have only been in this game for 18 years and at one point was also a poor student so I think I am qualified.
                              keep safe

                              Supplements/nutrition obviously isnt your area.

                              p.s. Jay sure looks like he thinks mtech employees are assholes here ..but you know everyone and who they REALLY are.
                              Yes, he got that big JUST from using Muscle Tech products, no illicit drugs. :rolleyes: brilliant

