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  • intercepted

    So my friend got a letter in the mail today from a police departmen in cali saying that they have intercepted his money that he sent for gear. It says if he wants to claim it he has to come in person, which is totaly out of the question, but do you think it would be a good idea to try to cancell the money order and get the money back?

  • #2
    I think he should just write it off....and if asked about it, stick to "Wasn't me" as the answer for all questions.

    Police: But sir, your name is on this money order...

    Friend: Wasn't me.

    Police: But aren't you John Q. Public?

    Friend: That's my name, but I've never seen that money order before in my life. Wasn't me.

    Police: But this is your return address!

    Friend: I guess some jackass is trying to frame me up or something. Wasn't me.

    Get the drift?


    • #3
      gotcha, thanks bro. but you think its a bad idea to try to cancel the mo?


      • #4
        Trying to cancel it is one more act that links him to it....just eat the loss.


        • #5
          who was the source he was trying to send to...PM me the info because major mex sources have been hit in the last few months and they are probably trying to nab people still.


          • #6
            Originally posted by hitmansb
            I think he should just write it off....and if asked about it, stick to "Wasn't me" as the answer for all questions.

            Police: But sir, your name is on this money order...

            Friend: Wasn't me.

            Police: But aren't you John Q. Public?

            Friend: That's my name, but I've never seen that money order before in my life. Wasn't me.

            Police: But this is your return address!

            Friend: I guess some jackass is trying to frame me up or something. Wasn't me.

            Get the drift?
            Good Advice :agree:


            • #7
              my question is how did they know the funds were being sent for gear?????


              • #8
                Originally posted by house1
                my question is how did they know the funds were being sent for gear?????
                normaly i would say fuck that go get your money and say whats the problem i was buyin a baseball bat from the guy why are you takin my money but if alot of people are gettin busted (stoncolds post) fuck it let them keep the money. it might not be worth the problem this time! if you dont mind me askin how much money you talkin about? if its alot me personly id get it. but thats just me.


                • #9
                  i guess they had been watching the guy for a while. and he had been picking up the money grams at the same place overy time and they just sent him a letter about it i guess.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by kingj
                    i guess they had been watching the guy for a while. and he had been picking up the money grams at the same place overy time and they just sent him a letter about it i guess.
                    what i dont understand that who got the letter the sorce or your buddy? you might wanna hit up one of the mods on a secure e-mail addt and tell them exactly what happend you might be gettin scammed!


                    • #11
                      what i dont understand that who got the letter the sorce or your buddy? you might wanna hit up one of the mods on a secure e-mail addt and tell them exactly what happend you might be gettin scammed!


                      • #12
                        if it was one of the sources that got popped they could have kept his email account going to keep people to still order and then nab them...I wouldn't talk to the police but I urge you to email me or another mod and tell us who the source is and I can let you know if they went bad or got busted.


                        • #13
                          i'l talk to my friend and get the name for ya

