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? about first cycle

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  • ? about first cycle

    I want to do my first cycle but I have one major concern that I need some input on.I have been doing alot of reading and can not find very much on this subject.

    First thing is the cycle I want to do is test and deca.
    My concern is that I am currently taking a medication for depression it is called REMERON soltab I take 30 milligrams every night at bedtime.I am not sure about mixing any type of gear with this type of medication.

    I am 36 years old 5'11 205,I have been training very serious for about a year,my diet has been very good until late I have been slacking a little bit.

    I would like to thank everyone in advance for your input and your help in this matter


  • #2
    i have no idea about the meds mixin with steroids but i can make a sugestion of doin a test only cycle at 400-500mgs a week for 10-12 weeks.


    • #3
      i have no idea about mixing Remeron with AS but i have been on xanax and/or valium during just about every cycle that i've done and it hasn't hurt me, but like i said i know nothing about Remeron....


      • #4
        I moved your other thread into the right forum for you here. I would be very careful about doing steriods if you have problems with depression. Test is a natrual anti depressent but after any cycle there is an inevitable crash that comes after a cycle when your natrual test is suppressed. If possible ask your doctor if HRT would be a problem for you. I would doubt that there is any direct conflict between the hormones and the Remeron. (I can't find any at any rate, I will look some more)

        Oh, and DO NOT USE CLOMID. use nolvadex instead.

        Nothing wrong with a bread and butter cycle. there are pros and cons to both.

        500mg of test e, cyp, or pref test deca a week weeks 1 to 14
        350mg of deca a week weeks 1 to 13
        250iu HCG 2 to 3 times a week weeks 1 to 16
        10mg of nolvadex ED weeks 1 to 16
        Start PCT week 17 with 40mg of nolvadex ed for 2 weeks then 20mg a day for another 2 weeks
        Last edited by Skyefire; 03-01-05, 03:22 AM.


        • #5
          here is a study on the use of Test to boster anti depression drugs

          Harrison G. Pope, Jr., M.D., Geoffrey H. Cohane, B.A., Gen Kanayama, M.D., Ph.D., Arthur J. Siegel, M.D., and James I. Hudson, M.D., Sc.D.
          OBJECTIVE: Testosterone supplementation may produce antidepressant effects in men, but until recently it has required cumbersome parenteral administration. In an 8-week randomized, placebo-controlled trial, the authors administered a testosterone transdermal gel to men aged 30–65 who had refractory depression and low or borderline testosterone levels. METHOD: Of 56 men screened, 24 (42.9%) displayed morning serum total testosterone levels of 350 ng/dl or less (normal range=270–1070). Of these men, 23 entered the study. One responded to an initial 1-week single-blind placebo period, and 22 were subsequently randomly assigned: 12 to 1% testosterone gel, 10 g/day, and 10 to identical-appearing placebo. Each subject continued his existing antidepressant regimen. Ten subjects receiving testosterone and nine receiving placebo completed the 8-week trial. RESULTS: The groups were closely matched on baseline demographic and psychiatric measures. Subjects receiving testosterone gel had significantly greater improvement in scores on the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale than subjects receiving placebo. These changes were noted on both the vegetative and affective subscales of the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale. A significant difference was also found on the Clinical Global Impression severity scale but not the Beck Depression Inventory. One subject assigned to testosterone reported increased difficulty with urination, suggesting an exacerbation of benign prostatic hyperplasia; no other subject reported adverse events apparently attributable to testosterone. CONCLUSIONS: These preliminary findings suggest that testosterone gel may produce antidepressant effects in the large and probably underrecognized population of depressed men with low testosterone levels.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Skyefire
            I moved your other thread into the right forum for you here. I would be very careful about doing steriods if you have problems with depression. Test is a natrual anti depressent but after any cycle there is an inevitable crash that comes after a cycle when your natrual test is suppressed. If possible ask your doctor if HRT would be a problem for you. I would doubt that there is any direct conflict between the hormones and the Remeron. (I can't find any at any rate, I will look some more)

            Oh, and DO NOT USE CLOMID. use nolvadex instead.

            Nothing wrong with a bread and butter cycle. there are pros and cons to both.

            500mg of test e, cyp, or pref test deca a week weeks 1 to 14
            350mg of deca a week weeks 1 to 13
            250iu HCG 2 to 3 times a week weeks 1 to 16
            10mg of nolvadex ED weeks 1 to 16
            Start PCT week 17 with 40mg of nolvadex ed for 2 weeks then 20mg a day for another 2 weeks
            This is completely true. I finished up my sustanon/tren cycle, and within a 2 weeks after my last sust jab, and 3 days after my tren jab....I was acting like a bitch. My girlfriend and I were arguing all the time and I would start to cry, and shit. I had an overall feeling of shittiness until I started my Nolvadex.


            • #7
              I want to thank everyone for taking the time to read my post and help me get headed down the correct path.The responses I have read make me feel a little safer.

              It looks like I may have some more reading and research to do,some of the abbreviations and some of the doses I am not real sure about.One example is cc's vs mgms,I was told 2 cc of test and 1 cc of deca per week,I am not sure how many millograms that is.

              Thanks again for everyone's help,anymore suggestions would be appreciated.



              • #8
                Research a lot more, then you'll know exactly why Test only is better then test and deca for a 1st cycle


                • #9
                  lot more research. Really is nothing wrong with a test/deca cycle though, standerd bread and butter. pros and cons to both options. Do be careful with this though and as said do a lot more research.

                  here is some genral first cycle info I am working on.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by gadawg
                    One example is cc's vs mgms,I was told 2 cc of test and 1 cc of deca per week,I am not sure how many millograms that is.


                    It has to do with the substance your running. Your procust will be x number of mg (millograms) per ml (milliter).

                    ml = cc ( cubic centimeters)

