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Test Prop Pro's and Con's

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  • Test Prop Pro's and Con's

    Alright bro' many of you know I just finished up a 14 week cycle:

    WKS 1-5 Sustanon 250 mg EOD
    WKS 6-12 Sustanon 250 mg EOD
    WKS 8-14 Tren 75mg EOD

    I trained like an animal, and ate like one too (4500-5000 cal/day), and gained 46 lbs.. I have only lost 9 since I've been off (3 weeks now-mostly water, and an inch off my waist), and my strength is still the same, so the PCT is working effectively. is my question. I'm already planning my summer cutter cycle which will start in mid June, and run only 8 weeks. I was thinking of just doing straight prop, and running clen 2 wks on/ 2 wks off all the way through, and during PCT. What can I expect as far as benefits go, and what are the downsides to prop specifically. I know the injections can be painful, but it can't be any worse then my tren. I'm wondering if 8 weeks is enough at 100mg EOD. I'm not looking to pack on alot, just help maintain and build some LBM while on a lower carb calorie diet (3000-3500), and shredding up. I'm very aware it will depend on diet and cardio, and I already have a sound diet, and workout regime. I'm currently at 244 lbs. @ 5'11" and about 11-13% BF. It comes up 9% on my digital calipers, and I always add 2-3%. I'm looking to be around 230 and 7-9% BF. I was going to run tren with it, but I thought I would give my body a rest from it till winter. Tren is a rough compound on my balls, and especially my blood I'm going to wait until winter to run it again with test cyp most likely. That way I'll be able to do alot of HIT. I could barely walk up my stairs on my last cycle because the tren had my BP up so high :(

    I'm going to use prop regardless, but just wanted to get some pos/neg feedback on the compound. Thanks bro's!!

  • #2
    Only con I can think of is pain. If you want to run something with it that isn't as suppressive and harsh as tren, but will give you even more quality gains, why not run NPP with the prop for the first 6 weeks? 100mg prop and 100mg NPP EOD would be a nice quality gains stack.


    • #3
      ED injections of PROP would be nice bro, I've done it and I like it.
      Use the glutes, shoulders, quads. You should be o.k.


      • #4
        When you say're referring to Nandrolone Phenylpropionate (Durabol)?


        • #5
          yup, thats NPP for short


          • #6
            What are it's specific benefits? How does it compare to tren?
            Last edited by BENCH355ANIMAL; 03-01-05, 03:48 PM.


            • #7
              It's a really good anabolic...can't really compare it to tren...totally different drug. I always like to run an anabolic with androgens not only for the synergistic effect, but for the positive effect they have on tendons.

