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  • HGH

    I was reading the ads in the back of my Fitness Rx mag and came across and ad for HGH worldwide. It has a site and a phone number which I called and they said it prescribed by filling out a medical form on their website. Is this legit or whats the deal with these people?

  • #2
    im not sure who your talkin about but there are many places like that that are legit! the only problem they cost a shit load and they dont prescribe enough at one time. if moneys not a issue you could order wait order again then start youll have enough then!


    • #3
      I wouldnt trust any ad from the back of a mag. If the name is in a mag you read, chances are the feds have also read it. Maybe others can shed a little more light on this.


      • #4
        there are plenty of legit places like this the feds cant do nuttin about it its prescribed by a doc. for a reason. once again not sayin the place your talkin about is legit cuzz i have no clue.


        • #5
          there are plenty of legit places like this the feds cant do nuttin about it its prescribed by a doc
          agreed and the one he is talking about as far as i know is legit -- your going to pay a boat load of funds though -


          • #6
            worth it

            sometimes its worth the price since you know the stuff isn't fake and you know the stuff is comes with a prescription and you can carry it and take it anywhere without legal reprocussion.


            • #7
              Church..........your solution to weightloss is in your screwed up diet dude!!!!!!! Would you f*ing listen. You are eating 75% sugar all day with fruit, yogurt, cold cereals, and glasses of skim milk. You need to get your diet in check, and stop looking for some miracle drug.:moron:


              For your viewing pleasure:drunk:

