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Planning next cutting cycle - Input??

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  • Planning next cutting cycle - Input??

    I will be finishing up my third cycle in a few weeks so I am getting my $$$ ready for next cycle in the future. I'm 25yrs old, current weight is 175lbs. and I'm 5'10".

    I'm not really concerned with losing or gaining weight on my next cycle; I'm looking for of the "look" than anything if that makes sense. Tell me what you think of this cycle....

    The cycle will consist of EQ/Cyp/Tren

    Week 1 1200mg of EQ
    Weeks 2-11 400mg of EQ
    Weeks 1-12 200mg of Test
    Weeks 1-7 25-50mg of Tren (undecided on how much right now)

    This will be my first time running tren so I'm still doing research. I know I don't want to go over board with it so I want to keep dosages low, but respectable.

    I know somebody will ask why I'm running 200mg of test instead of at least 500mg....I've ran it both ways and had successful gains both times so there is no need to over load the stuff imo.



  • #2
    if 200mgs test works for you then stay with it. EQ is fine. is that tren per week or EOD? id go with 50mgs EOD 25mgs might work since you respond to low doses of gear but i dont know. at 175lbs you should eat everything in sight.


    • #3
      Originally posted by ROCKETW19
      if 200mgs test works for you then stay with it. EQ is fine. is that tren per week or EOD? id go with 50mgs EOD 25mgs might work since you respond to low doses of gear but i dont know. at 175lbs you should eat everything in sight.
      I was at 186lbs @ 6% bf a while back! I started to do cardio 2 days out of the week for two weeks....Started a new job so I couldn't get all my meals in and before you know it I was at 172lbs. @ 10% bf!!!!

      I lost a lot strength and size and increased bf....Adjusted my diet (cutter for the summer) and threw out the cardio and now this is where I'm at.

      The tren is eod and I listed 25mgs b/c I don't know how I will respond to so I figured I would ease my way into it.


      • #4
        The cycle looks good (don't forget about PCT though)

        It's refreshing to see someone giving their body a chance to respond to low doses, rather than loading up right off the hop.

