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new to this site, question?

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  • new to this site, question?


    hey, i'm new to the board, i work in a gym and have recently come off a shoulder injury. a friend suggested test enth, 400 mg a week for 8 weeks. i've been reading about side affects from estrogen and want to minimize recovery time as well. what do you guys recomend?

  • #2
    what did he suggest the enathate for? how bad was your injury? is this your first cycle? and at 400mgs, you shouldn't worry too much about estrogen. and what recovery time do you want to minimize?


    • #3
      Using A.S. shouldn't be your solution to your injury for one thing and using test en isn't goint to help your issue at all. I'm not a doc or anything, but I would take time off to recover. Maybe look into some therapy to speed up the recovery time.

      Just a little advise, do your research on A.S. before even considering injecting. I'm sure a everyone here will agree with that. Keep in mind, you are putting foreign substances in your body...You need to know about ALL the effects it will have, not just the good ones.

      Good luck with the injury though.


      • #4
        rather than rush, take your time and recover fully before you do anything...


        • #5
          What kind of shoulder injury? You should be aware that test decreases precollagens and cuts collagen synthesis in half. This will weaken tendons and ligaments, not strengthen them or help them to heal.

          A mild dose of anavar or EQ would be better to help with tendon or ligament injuries. Still, your best bet is to stay away from AAS alltogether until you spend a lot of time reading up and learning about the risks and possible benifits. Physical therapy is a better idea.


          • #6
            actually Wheyman Test and Deca are prescribed for injuries. You guys are "NEW". Injuries are legitamate reason for using Steroids . Please stop giving advise that you are not qualified to give.

            Deca is widely prescribed for joint injureis it lubes joints while assisting in protein synthesis.
            Last edited by RUI-Products; 05-12-05, 03:20 PM.


            • #7
              Originally posted by buyb12
              actually Wheyman Test and Deca are prescribed for injuries. You guys are "NEW". Injuries are legitamate reason for using Steroids . Please stop giving advise that you are not qualified to give.

              Deca is widely prescribed for joint injureis it lubes joints while assisting in protein synthesis.
              The use of test in rehab can be dangerous if not monitored very carefully. The quick increase in muscle tissue can put to much stress on the joints "connecting parts" and risk for re-injury to the area is much higher. At 400mg a week it is very likely for the muscle to develop too quickly.


              • #8
                definetly take your time and recovery fully before using AS


                • #9
                  Originally posted by buyb12
                  actually Wheyman Test and Deca are prescribed for injuries. You guys are "NEW". Injuries are legitamate reason for using Steroids . Please stop giving advise that you are not qualified to give.

                  Deca is widely prescribed for joint injureis it lubes joints while assisting in protein synthesis.
                  Not to be an ass but isn't that the pot calling the kettle black?

                  First of all, only an idiot would prescribe test for a tendon or ligament injury since it can't possibly help and it very well may hurt by weakening tendons and ligaments while at the same time strengthening muscles. This is where muscles become to strong for the tendons and more tendon damage is the result.

                  While deca doesn't decrease collegin synthesis like test, caution is recommended for the reasons Shortz descibed above.

                  Furthermore, deca does not increase joint lubrication. That is a complete myth. In reality, deca has a pretty good affinity for the corticosteroid receptors as well as the androgen receptors. This means deca functions somewhat as an antiinflamatory steroid like cortizone, making sore joints feel better. It is the antiinflammatory properties of deca that results in sore joint relief; not "increasing lubrication". In fact, if it DID increase synovial fluid inside joints, the resulting pressure buildup would be quite painful I expect.


                  • #10
                    flap jacks

                    had denny's the other night. i love buttery pancakes!!! anyway, back to health stuff, IF i were to use deca what would be best to keep the bloat down?


                    • #11
                      Did you not understand Spidey's post? You would be better of with taking plenty of Ibuprofin.


                      • #12
                        Naproxin sodium (aleve) works the best for me; that stuff is magical.


                        • #13
                          Speaking from personal experience, the best remedy for an injury, especially a shoulder is rest. If you rush into things you greatly increase the risk of re-injury of just plain making it worse. Any thing like aleve of advil would be your best bet. And just to reiterate what the others said, do your homework. good luck Bro

