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cycle update ONE ??

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  • cycle update ONE ??

    This cycle is fuckin nuts !! Tomorrow starts my 5th week and wow.! As I stated over a month ago I have gotten incredible results with 200 of cyp wk. This time Im going w/ 300wk. IMO it has made a huge difference. The only thing is my libido is unsatiable and Im experiencing some anxiety. The anxiety is a bit uncomfortable for me. It makes me feel a little crazy at times usually in the AM when Im facing the day ahead. Also, experiencing some fatigue. It ends of course when I start training. This is more than I expected from this. Ive been through 2 training partners since last month. The shit is getting intense !!! To bar injury Im adding reps, moderate weight increases, and shorter rest periods instead of getting crazy with the weight. Im actually enjoying cardio !! My only question is I want to add something for increased fat burning any recomendations????
    Thanks to House and Shibby for previous help:D

  • #2
    I would adjust your diet first to see if that helps with fat burning.


    • #3
      what kinda cyp are u using?


      • #4
        Its by sydgroup. My diet is on I cannot cut my carbs any lower and still be productive. My quesion is whats good for accelerating fat loss. Something OTC maybe.


        • #5
          heavier cardio, u just need to burn more, better to do it with excersise then with supps


          • #6
            Losing BF is about burning more cals than you take in. The best way for a strength athlete is to increase activity with cardio. This way he is still getting the nutrients needed to gain muscle. Increasing activity also increases metabolism too.

            To tell you the truth, I have yet to find a drug that helps me lose BF the way test does.


            • #7
              adding an ECA fat-burner might be a good way to go, in a two weeks on, two weeks of fashion

              clen would definately help with leaning out too, used on the weeks that you aren't using the ECA product


              • #8
                just up your cardio bro -- good to see everything is going good!

                also nice to see you stayed with the low dose

