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Final week of contest preparation, what do you do....

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  • Final week of contest preparation, what do you do....

    I posted this in nutrition as well but I know everyone visits this forum more so the most replies would more than likely come here.

    I'm curious to see what some members last week eating regimen before their bodybuilding competition looks like. There are so many damn opinions on this it gets to be ridiculous. I know most say you have to find out what works best for you, but if you're only doing a couple of shows a year it's not like you have a lot of opportunites for hit and miss.

    I'm trying to put together my last week contest prep. and I'm driving myself crazy thinking about whether or not I want to sodium load/deplete, how i want to do a carb up or if i want to do a carb up, how much water to drink, whether to cut water gradually or cut it all at once about 18 hours out, etc....

    Also, what diuretics do you use, if any? What anabolics do you use if any. I've been hearing of late some people starting anadrol a few days before the competition to bring out fullness. Also running suspension a few weeks out to help fullness as well. Anyways.....

    The list goes on and on, any advice is welcomed.

  • #2
    What does your current diet look like? The last 4 weeks for me looked like this:
    Meal 1
    6-8 egg whites
    3oz Brown rice
    Protein shake (1 scoop)

    Meal 2 (9:30-10:30)
    Chicken breast 6 oz
    Sweet potato 4 oz

    Meal 3 (11:30-12:30)
    Rice cakes (2)
    Protein Shake (2 scoops)

    Meal 4 (1:30-2:30)
    1 can tuna (albacore white)

    Meal 5 (3:00-4:30)
    Chicken breast 6 oz
    Vegetables 4 oz
    Brown rice 4 oz cooked

    Meal 6 (5:00-6:00)
    Sweet potato 4 oz
    Chicken breast 6 oz

    Meal 7 (7:00-8:00)
    Protein shake (2 scoops)

    I would drop out the protein shakes on Thursday (if your show is Saturday)

    My water depletion looks like this:
    If show is on Saturday:
    Monday- (2 gallons)
    Tuesday- (1.5 gallons)
    Wednesday- (1 gallons) water pills w/ every meal and last pill morning of show
    Thursday- (1/2 gallon)
    Friday- (1/2 gallon total Friday and Saturday)

    I also used dandelion root starting on Wednesday.

    The night before I usually go out and eat a nice steak, potato, vegy, and a couple pieces of bread. I have never gone crazy on carb loading because I'm afraid of coming in soft.

    I was running prop/tren/halo the last 4 weeks. Stop prop and tren a week and a half out and ran the halo up to the day of the show.


    • #3
      this worked fairly well for me. I don't compete, so ...


      • #4
        Yea, I came across that article by swolecat already, has anyone used it for a show with success?

