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24 week cycle?

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  • 24 week cycle?

    ive been on test E 750mgs EQ 800mgs and GH 5ius for 24 weeks with a-bombs and tren at different times in the cycle. my weight gain has stoped at 244lbs 9% body fat but my strength and looks (body shape) are still getting better. the longest before has been 16 weeks. my question is should i stop now or go on untill all gains have stoped?

  • #2
    well gains will never stop, depending on how you quantify them, lol. What is your goal? have you checked your health recently to see if you body can handle a long cycle? 6 months is a long time for sure. or you could just cruise with GH and Test for a while to give your body a break from the stack.


    • #3
      i dont realy have a goal but am very happy were im at. havent got any blood work this cycle but have many times before it always comes back with bad cholestrol up and good down im sure the GH will help some there other than that and a slight increase in Blood presure im fine. this is the first time im meantly hooked on a cycle and i worried a lil.


      • #4
        If you are happy with where you are at then I think it would be a good time for a break. Let your HTPA recover and reevaluate your goals. my $.02

