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Whats's up everyone.

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  • Whats's up everyone.

    Hey guys. My name is Matt. I'm new to this board but I'm also a member over at I look forward to talking with you guys on the topics whenever I can. These forum discussions are addicting :D I have yet to do any cycles. I've been a competitive weightlifter for a few years and have been training for about 6 years. I've got most of my gear together for my first cycle.

    1)1-10wks Test E 500mg
    2)1-10wks Organon Deca 300mg
    3)PCT 12-14wks Clomid and Nolva, tapered.

    Weight: 178lbs
    Flat Bench: 285lbs w/pause
    Curls: 150lbs
    Squat: 280lbs 90 degrees
    Deadlift: 350lbs
    Clean and Jerk: 225lbs Nice form

    I've been holding off to do this cycle because I have been trying to get back in better shape after 2 years of a traveling job which left me shacked up in hotels and eating fastfood every week to say the least. In the last few months I've got my BF% down to 11.6 from 14.7 and added about 5 pounds of lean mass while doing it. Been busting my ass with lifting and diet lately. I feel like I'm optimal condition now so when I get the rest of my PCT gear, IT'S ON! Later in the fall I plan on cycling 10 days of 2,4 Dinitro. Gonna order 100 grams and cap it myself. I've got all the necessary supplies including a hood because that DNP is some nasty stuff. I'm going to take pics and document the whole process as well so I'll keep you posted. I'm definately looking forward to that. Well it's 3:45am right now on the east coast so I'm gonna go grab some coffee and jog. I look forward to chatting with you guys.

  • #2
    welcome to the board bro. i hear that DNP is no joke to cap it gets all over everthing and dont come off. i also hear that stuff is crazy we have a member here who tryed it and the shit he said ill never do it. do a search on DNP im sure you will find it.


    • #3
      Originally posted by ROCKETW19
      welcome to the board bro. i hear that DNP is no joke to cap it gets all over everthing and dont come off. i also hear that stuff is crazy we have a member here who tryed it and the shit he said ill never do it. do a search on DNP im sure you will find it.
      Oh yeah I know. That shit is no joke. It works by targeting the mitochondria in the cells. It makes ATP production very inefficient so your body goes made crazy metabolizing fats and basically anything it can get it's hands on. Thats why antioxidants and lots of water are vital. Even a good diet while you're on it, or else your body will start digesting your own muscle... not a good thing. Winter is the best time to do it all well because your body's core temp will rise to 101 degrees. I live in Florida so DNP isn't even an option in the summer time. Thanks for the welcome.



      • #4
        Originally posted by ROCKETW19
        do a search on DNP im sure you will find it.
        actaully I think it was taken down by House. He's the one who did it and just didn't feel it's pro's outweighed the cons. He didn't want any newbs to read it and think they know what they are doing.


        • #5

          DNP is an uncoupler of oxidative phosphorylation.... which is dangerous...

          There are far better, safer alternatives out there.

          As for the thing, Id keep that a secret :)

          Welcome again.


          • #6
            Welcome buddy.


            • #7
              Welcome to the board Homie!


              • #8
                welcome to the board


                • #9
                  dnp is an advanced drug! try an eca stack first or clen/t3.

