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Sperm Volume and Gear

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  • Sperm Volume and Gear

    Hey guys just wanted to know if any of you all are/or have experienced this after using a cycle. Thats why PCT is important.

    This started for me when I first did a cycle of Sostenon with no PCT. After that Ive noticed, less sperm when ejaculating. Its been 5 years since my first cycle and Im still throwing low volumes or just drops. Scares me at times. And the color and looks of the stuff isnt the same as before, more of a yellowish clearish color.

    The past cycles Ive used Clomid and Nolvadex with my cycles for PCT. Im guessing it was the first one that screwed me up.

    The reason for this post is because I wanna have kids in the near future and with my low volumes and at times drops only, worries me. Within these coming months or weeks, I wanna go and get checked.

  • #2
    Try running a little bit of proviron and see if that helps a little.


    • #3
      Woudnt HCG help? Juice are your nuts a little shrunk?


      • #4
        Originally posted by rude
        Woudnt HCG help? Juice are your nuts a little shrunk?

        yeah they shrunk, not the same as they once were :(


        • #5
          Not to sound crude but next time ask your chick what it tastes like, my girl has noticed the more and more I use the more watery it tastes and the less syrupy it is... its a sign of mainly fluid with lil substance inside... I dont plan on having kids but its just something my gf noticed



          • #6
            I went through this a few years ago. I could not get my wife pregnant for over 3 years. I was on clomid (from doctor) and stayed off gear for 3 years and know I have a 1-1/2 year old girl and my wife is pregnant again.

            I learned to use PCT religiously and take extra time off between cycles to let the system adjust. I recommend taking 3 month off between mild cycles and longer if you are doing something a little crazy (like prep for bodybuilding show)

            my 2'cc



            • #7
              Zinc supplementation will help a little.


              • #8
                time on should equal time off correct? and a good PCT would be clomid and nolva right? Im coming to the end and just ordered a shit load of those two for my PCT plans.


                • #9
                  I think HCG is in order here before running Clomid again. IMO you should always use HCG if you have any testicular atrophy post-cycle before starting on Clomid.

