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Very Tired and Dizzy

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  • Very Tired and Dizzy

    Hey guys,

    I already did some research and couldn't find anything, so I thought I would post a question. I am only taking 500mg of Test-E and 400mg of EQ a week. It's only been about 4 weeks and for some reason, I am feeling VERY tired and quite dizzy. I had to come home early from work today and I slept for 4 hours!

    Anyone else have this? Just curious... I had this happen years ago while on D-Bol and come to find out it was my creatinine levels.

    Any input would be greatly appreciated.


    - DD

  • #2
    How's your blood sugar, if mine is too high i feel tired and lethargic, also if you are stressed like with work family gf etc it has lingering effects.. every few weeks I just crash after work and take a 4 hr nap, then I feel recharged for another couple weeks
    How's the diet, training and mental mood?



    • #3
      well it could be that your body 's recuperation is up to par due to the gear and it just wants to grow, remember sleep is critcal for growth, thats just my theory, nothing scientific about that u could some research, we would like to know


      • #4
        be sure to check your blood pressure. being lathargic is a side of anabolics in genral but the dizziness is a concern. I would go so far as to suggest you see a doctor. better safe then sorry


        • #5
          Thanks guys... I had a feeling a doctor would be at hand.

          I am also starting to experience some lower back pain, almost feels like kidney pain, but I am not sure, because it is starting to run up my sides around my rib cage in the back.

          A doctor it is I guess. : /


          • #6
            Keep us posted


            • #7
              see a doc but are you drinking enough water?


              • #8
                Fever? Could be a few things. Flank pain is def a good indication of a kidney problem, probably an infection. If it were a stone, it may have hit harder, but hell, stones come in different sizes, so you can't put that off. Any trouble urinating? Hopefully they can test your urine at the office and you don't need to go to the ER. It only takes a sample and a chem stick. If blood is present, they will think it's a stone, if there is no blood, you may be on your way for blood work.


                • #9
                  LOL... So, I increased my water intake and I feel MUCH better. I think I will still see the doc though. Thanks! I know, I know... STUPID! I drink a lot of water though. Guess I had to increase it much more.


                  • #10
                    damm bro i just posted drink more water 15 mins ago and its already workin? JK lol. i had a friend that wouldnt listen about water he always told me he drank alot but his stupid ass just got out of the hospital for dehydration. he hears me now.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by ROCKETW19
                      damm bro i just posted drink more water 15 mins ago and its already workin? JK lol. i had a friend that wouldnt listen about water he always told me he drank alot but his stupid ass just got out of the hospital for dehydration. he hears me now.
                      Yeah, I've always had problems drinking enough water, but my back still hurts and it seems to be in that area where the kidneys are. I HATE going to the doctor though. I never know what to say when they ask that notorious question: "So, are you currently on or taking any medications or supplements?"


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by decadan
                        Yeah, I've always had problems drinking enough water, but my back still hurts and it seems to be in that area where the kidneys are. I HATE going to the doctor though. I never know what to say when they ask that notorious question: "So, are you currently on or taking any medications or supplements?"
                        do yourself a huge favor and go see a doc bro -- better safe then sorry-- keep us posted


                        • #13
                          Back pain

                          How would you describe your back pain? A sharp, cutting pain? Or a dull, pumped sorta achy pain? Are you taking Dbol? Many people taking Dbol say they get crazy back muscle pumping pains... associated with working back muscles. I myself get a hard pumping of my calf muscles which tends to hurt. A kidney stone is when renal salts such as calcium and magnesium crystallize in your renal pelvis.(Urinary tract) The doctor will call it Renal Calculi. If your pain is noticable from your flank to your abs on the opposite side (aka lower back to front lower abs) then you more than likely have a kidney stone. Have you have any predisposed conditions like urinary tracts infections, urinary retention (not being able to piss), high calcium concentrations in the blood or alkaline urine (smells very odd)..the same as someones shits on DNP. You could have developed pyelonephritis which is a kidney infection. This as well as anuria might cause you to feel lethargic and drop blood pressure because more volume of blood is diverted to the kidneys to make up for the negative feedback from sediments and toxins that your kidneys aren't already filtering. Get yourself checked out cuz this is serious. I don't intend on scaring you but I am a medical major and I have to study this stuff. Good luck.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by MusclePilot
                            How would you describe your back pain? A sharp, cutting pain? Or a dull, pumped sorta achy pain? Are you taking Dbol? Many people taking Dbol say they get crazy back muscle pumping pains... associated with working back muscles. I myself get a hard pumping of my calf muscles which tends to hurt. A kidney stone is when renal salts such as calcium and magnesium crystallize in your renal pelvis.(Urinary tract) The doctor will call it Renal Calculi. If your pain is noticable from your flank to your abs on the opposite side (aka lower back to front lower abs) then you more than likely have a kidney stone. Have you have any predisposed conditions like urinary tracts infections, urinary retention (not being able to piss), high calcium concentrations in the blood or alkaline urine (smells very odd)..the same as someones shits on DNP. You could have developed pyelonephritis which is a kidney infection. This as well as anuria might cause you to feel lethargic and drop blood pressure because more volume of blood is diverted to the kidneys to make up for the negative feedback from sediments and toxins that your kidneys aren't already filtering. Get yourself checked out cuz this is serious. I don't intend on scaring you but I am a medical major and I have to study this stuff. Good luck.
                            Hey Bro... I'm going in today at 2:20 PM to get my bloodwork and whatever else done. It is more of a dull pain... A discomfort more than anything else. I do not have a medical history at all with anything. My family history is a very healthy one. I am not taking D-Bol. I posted up top what I am taking. Thanks! I will keep everyone posted.


                            • #15
                              Last time i had dull achy pain besides my d-bol was when I had a kidney infection my urine was cloudy and smelled bad... Sucked meds and 2 days later I was fine. post right away what they find ok?


