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first cycle advice

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  • first cycle advice

    Hello, I want to start taking steroids but even though i have done research, I really dont knwo how to get started.
    I dont know where to get them here, so I'm thinking of going to Mexico or maybe on a trip to europe that I'm planning.

    I think I want to try Deca, and Dianabol, with clomid. Is this a good stack for a beginner? How much should i take?

    I am 18 years old, 5'11 and 150 lbs at most with not much fat, although i dont know exactly what percentage.
    My goal is to gain alot of strength and build a good looking body. I think my goal for weight right now is 190 lbs, and then I'll see what i want to do from there.

    Any advice?

  • #2
    Oh yea, i forgot to mention: Is it possible to keep the gains from steroids after i stop using them? I dont want to use steroids the rest of my life


    • #3

      Some guys who want to start taking AAS are too young. Some guys who want to start taking AAS aren't advanced enough trainers. In your case, it would appear that both apply.

      At 5'11 and only 150 lbs., you haven't even come close to reaching your potential by training naturally. Stick around here, and read up in the training and nutrition forums. Don't use steroids until you've reached your natural potential. Quite frankly, it's extremely dangerous to gain muscle strength quickly when the tendons haven't been conditioned by regular training. That's how people get tears and are injured needlessly. Patience, hard work, and smart eating will serve you far better than a cycle at this stage in your life/training.


      • #4
        hitman said it very well. take the advice and for future reference your proposed stack is not a very good first cycle.


        • #5

          I know this is not what you wanted to hear from us, but believe me, it is very good advice. Stay away from steroids for now, and train naturally for a while. Build a solid natural base, build a knowledge about nutrition, training, and steroids. Then when you are actually ready, go for it, and the results will be much better then if you did it now!!!

          If you ask most guys that are using steroids what their biggest mistake was, they usually say something like this: I didn't know enough before I started, and I started too soon..... We don't want that to be your response...... And the guys that wait and do it properly, have more chance of pushing way past their natural potential with the help of anabolics.

          In the end, you are just gonna do what you want, but we are experienced users, and we know what were talking about, so please take our advice!!!


          • #6
            Listen to these guys bro. Train naturally for a couple of years and eat to grow and see the difference it will make. But if you decide to go at it anyway, do some more research first. Deca, D-Bol is not recomended for a first cycle.


            • #7
              Bro at 18 your natural test and hgh are sky high take full advantage of them. Gain as much as you can i8n the next 5-6 years then think about juicing.



              • #8
                and any PM you get right now , from anyone saying they want to "help you out" or "hook you up " is not going to do either ... do not answer anyone who PM's you regarding this post . and if possible forward any you get to me !


                • #9
                  Goal of 190lbs at 5'11" is obtainable naturally, without steroids. There is soo much info out there on nutrition and training, and its great to be able to have quick access to it via the web. Go to just about any board around and there is nutrition and training articles and forums, including here.

                  Now, for the hard part.... it will take time to get to 190lbs (it would even with steroids, they are not a good quick fix IMO). Putting on 40lbs of muscle with minimal fat will take, my guesstimate, about 4 years naturally. Gaining 10 lbs a year of mostly muscle is a great amount, natural or enhanced. To do this, you will have eat, at least 500 kcal a week more than you burn. Now that's not too much, but if you train hard and have a fast metabolism it can be difficult to get the extra you need to grow. Using my numbers, that 500 extra per week would be 26,000 kcal extra per year, or assuming that you gain 90% muscle and only 10% fat, that would be approximately 26,000/(0.9*4*454 + 0.1*9*454) = 12.7lbs per year!

                  So young bro, it is possible to grow naturally, especially at your age (natural hormones peaking, etc), but you have EAT BIG TO GET BIG, and TRAIN HARD to LOOK LIKE YOU DO. :D

                  Best of luck,



                  • #10
                    Great replies everyone.

