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just came off cut cycle -- please advice

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  • just came off cut cycle -- please advice

    I am 29 yrs old-- have used AAS and done several cycles over the last 12 months-- contrary to advice I have taken upon myself to experiment and see what works best for me... just finishing up on Winny, Tren, Test and Clen and T3 cycle--
    Winny 100mg EOD 8 weeks
    Tren 75 mg EOD 8 weeks
    Clen 5 tabs 20mcg every day 9 weeks
    T3 staggered week 1- 25mcg everyday weeks 2 50 mcg everyday week 3 75 mcg everyday week 4 25 mcg-
    Test 750 mg week 24 weeks

    Got great results-- .
    now I want to make sure I can keep losing BF% without the use of clen and t3, winny and tren

    As of today I switched to Test and decca-

    I am particularly looking for help on my diet--
    I have lost 70lbs over the last 12months-
    I currently weigh 228lbs at about 13.7%BF- I am 6'1 tall--

    I am stuck now in my diet- which consists primarily of low carbs and higher protein-- cardio 3X week 30 min

    My goal is to drop down to 5% and do my first show at about 200-205lbs --
    Please advice or provide a diet that you think will work for me-- I have included a typical days eating for me:

    7:00 Am 1cup regular oatmeal with a table spoon of brown sugar ( cooked in the microwave) and I was h it down with two scoops of 100 Whey protein drink (32 grams)

    9:30- piece fruit or almonds depending on my appetite

    11:30 - chicken breast 1/4 cup of brown rice- and 1/2 cup of veggies (mixed veggies) Costco brand broc, carrots, and string beans

    1:00 100 whey protein shake (32 grams)

    3:00 pre workout snack- 8 eggs- hardboiled (minus the yolks) more veggies

    5:00 TRAIN

    7:00 post workout- simple carb immediately (strawberries or cantaloupe)

    7:45- chicken breast veggies- no more carbs

    Bedtime 9:30--

    I have tried Muscle Milk for shakes- stuff tastes great but I think its high in fat what do you think?

  • #2
    OK u wanna keep your wgt low but u switched to test and deca.... ouch most of wgt loss is diet and cardio, IMO I'd drop the deca add tren and cut that way deca will not really give u that clean look you are lookin for.



    • #3
      u plan on running a pct???


      • #4
        it sounds like he is just doin a direct transition into the show... not a good plan if you ask me



        • #5
          9 week cycle of clen??? what a waste, clen loses its effectiveness after about 2 weeks, thats why you cycle it two on, two off. did you research this at all before starting?


          • #6
            longest i've ran tren is 12 weeks was very hard to come off-- I actually got withdrawls thats why i switched to Decca after 8 weeks ---?? in reagrds to the earlier question about PCT- yes HCG is thrown in their to keep the boys awake


            • #7
              Jo-- i did do my research- if you want me to write a freaking book and give you the diary on how a i staggered my clen use i will- im seeking assistance primarily with my diet--


              • #8
                I still dont like the idea of deca as a show prep cutting agent...



                • #9
                  Num- i appreciate the feedback-- guess i need to dig into the medicine cabinet and open another bottle of tren-- and keep going forward- I plan on increasing my cardio to 5X week with 1 hr breaking it up 30 min inthe morning and then the eve- what about the diet -- is it clean enough


                  • #10
           - start here and find your bmr... now subtract 300.. go to and that helps make sure your eating the right cals/fats/carbs/protein

                    i would cut out the fruit because of the high sugar.. also add in a protein shake pwo and cut the fruit out.. add oj b/c of the vitamin c

                    move the almonds to the afternoon, i always like protein/carb meals in morning and protein/fat meals in the afternoon

                    you also have almost no good fats in that diet... get some flaxseed oil or fish oil and add those in with a meal

                    i would suggest a protein meal right before bed... can of tuna is what i usually go for.. or u can make it cottage cheese or some more egg whites if u can stomach eatin them again
                    Last edited by SloppyJo; 10-07-05, 03:23 PM.


                    • #11
                      thanks Jo- this is very helpful and exactly what I was looking for!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by vigil76
                        Num- i appreciate the feedback-- guess i need to dig into the medicine cabinet and open another bottle of tren-- and keep going forward- I plan on increasing my cardio to 5X week with 1 hr breaking it up 30 min inthe morning and then the eve- what about the diet -- is it clean enough
                        HOw long ago was it with your last tren shot I usually need 6weeks before I bump another tren cycle, The deca will cause you to bloat too much thats why I would say leave it out.

                        Add some liquidex to keep water retention down,so you can really see where you are at your dieting. I would do my cardio 1hr in the morning empty stomach(burns fat not sugars) then 20 mins at night to keep the metabolism goin before you hit some zzz's


                        • #13
                          last shot of tren was 12 days ago- definetly not long enough yet---

                          I did calculate my BMR-- 3258.49 with the activity factor.

                          So leave the decca out- causes bloat--- I appreciate the heads up--

                          I thing what I'm gonna do is go back the drawing board for the diet--- tune and tweak it--

                          jump on liquidex and add more cardio---

                          Thanks guys


                          • #14
                            sounds better...
                            I'll try to dig up some cuttin info for u aas wise



                            • #15
                              My keyboard sucks- I need to sprell check before I post-- anyways, thanks for the feedback. Help or guidance on AAS wise for cutting is helpful- please keep in mind what i just finished up.

