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first cycle

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  • first cycle

    I was wanting some suggestions on a first time cycle. My only other cycle was a winny only so I never really had a real first cycle.
    Stats are:
    age 34
    ht 6'-0"
    wgt 180 body fat not sure
    Protein in take is around 250 a day and I try to eat about every 3 hours( no junk food or pop) along with multi vitamins,E,C,flaxseed and fish oil.Water intake is about 3/4 to 1 gallon a day.
    250mg a week for 12 weeks Test e
    Nolvadex 10mg ed weeks 2-12 (if needed)
    Nolvadex 40mg ed weeks 13-14
    Nolvadex 20mg ed weeks 15-16
    The only thing that Im not sure of is the Nolvadex.There are so many conflicting opinions on what to take on cycle and for pct it can get confusing so Im sure you guys will set me straight.

  • #2
    Test is always a good first cycle to use. I would drop the nolva unless you know that you are prone to gyno,IMO. I was worried about this also when I did my first cycle but after input from others decided not to go with nolva. I had no problems and didn't need it. I Only need it when on tren or parabolan.
    On the other hand nolva will bind to the receptors in breast tissue(site selective), preventing any gyno problems. Couldn't hurt any but all you should need is 20mg a day unless you start getting soreness in nips, then bump up to 30mg,etc.
    If you do a search for pct you will find plenty of info on it.

    Look at this link for some info on anti-estrogens:


    • #3
      your PCT is starting to soon you should wait 2 weeks after last shot of test E (i wait 3) at 250mgs i realy dont think you will need nolva while on cycle but you know the rule always have it just in case. at age 34 you test levels are probably low so 250mgs should work but id bump it to 400-500mgs a week. good luck


      • #4
        [QUOTE=iridiumblue]when on tren or parabolan.
        On the other hand nolva will bind to the receptors in breast tissue(site selective), preventing any gyno problems. /QUOTE]

        not true nolva will not help with progestrone gyno caused by the tren you will need a progestrone gyno (bromo) there are others also.


        • #5
          Originally posted by iridiumblue
          when on tren or parabolan.
          On the other hand nolva will bind to the receptors in breast tissue(site selective), preventing any gyno problems. /QUOTE]

          not true nolva will not help with progestrone gyno caused by the tren you will need a progestrone gyno (bromo) there are others also.
          that is not true, progestrone will not cause gyno, estrogen is what is causes gyno. Progestrone can agervate the problem via hormone imbalance, but even fina only cycles gyno issures are are best treated by discontinuing the cycle and using nolvadex. Spidey has a couple of good threads on this somewere.

          also bromo is nothing to take lightly, it serously screws with your brain chemistry so use at your own risk


          • #6
            Originally posted by ROCKETW19
            that is not true, progestrone will not cause gyno, estrogen is what is causes gyno. Progestrone can agervate the problem via hormone imbalance, but even fina only cycles gyno issures are are best treated by discontinuing the cycle and using nolvadex. Spidey has a couple of good threads on this somewere.

            also bromo is nothing to take lightly, it serously screws with your brain chemistry so use at your own risk
            yes i tryed that a few months ago while on tren (using nolva) it didnt work for me. thats when i just cut back the mgs and started researching. many people say nolva wont work. whos right or wrong i have no idea but i can say it didnt work for me.


            • #7
              a great first cycle is Test enan and Eq.


              • #8
                So if I stay with 250mg of test e I will then start pct at weeks 15-18 at 20mg a day.Just curious about mg's is it better to run a shorter cycle with more mg(say 10 wks at 300mg) or a longer cycle with less mg (250mg at 12 weeks) ?Thanks for the advice.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by KING DAVID 2
                  So if I stay with 250mg of test e I will then start pct at weeks 15-18 at 20mg a day.Just curious about mg's is it better to run a shorter cycle with more mg(say 10 wks at 300mg) or a longer cycle with less mg (250mg at 12 weeks) ?Thanks for the advice.
                  i like 12 weeks better than 10 but thats just me. if you go 12 weeks then start PCT at week 15-18 first 2 weeks 40mgs nolva last 2 weeks 20mgs nolva


                  • #10
                    I did my first 12 week cycle last month (usually 8-9 weeks), and loved it. I stayed away from the longer cycles because I was worried about getting back my natural test levels. I know am in week 6 after cycle and feel like I returned to pre-cycle energy levels after week 4.

                    I got blood work done last week and am waitting for results to see about test levels.


