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Sleeping problems while cycling.

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  • Sleeping problems while cycling.

    This question isn't for me since I don't think I'm ready to cycle yet but my older brother told me to ask it since his dumbass doesn't know how to work a computer. Hes been cycling on 2 different things and he tells me ever since the cycle, he can't sleep at all during the night because he has like heat flashes and energy. He says it's affecting him at work because he gets tired and would like some advice on getting some sleep. He want's to know if taking a sleeping aid like Unisom is ok?

  • #2
    What is "he" taking and does your user name mean cop killer?


    • #3
      yes people have sleeping issues, also tell his "dumbass(u used the word yourself)" that if he is goin to take something potentially harmfull without research to do the damn leg work himself



      • #4
        Originally posted by rado
        Tell "HE" to stay off AS and eat & train right.

        Sounds to me like he has no idea WTF "HE'S" doing.
        Hi, I'm Rado, I don't mean to be an ass...but

        yeah i agree i hate the whole asking for a friend thing, it reminds me of 3rd grade when I liked this girl but asked my friend to ask her " I have a friend that likes u but..."



        • #5
          Guys, my friend has a small penis. Is there anything he can do to make it bigger?? This question is not for me it is for a friend.


          • #6
            Being serious now... I have trouble sleeping off cycle. So when I'm on it can become very tough. Usually if I just stick to just test I'm fine. But certain compounds (especially tren) will only allow me to get a couple hours of sleep.


            • #7
              I guess my name doesn't now. I can't stand the police because from what I see, it's like we have to show them all the respect but we get none. I'v seen them act just as bad as criminals and they are all on power trips (damn hipacrits). There's no such thing as justice anymore which is really sad. Hell, they even do steroids but are quick to bust someone for them. I can't stand shit like that. I used to sell dope in the past to a school resource officer and he would send people to jail for the same thing he did which was smoke pot. I admit I'v done stupid things in the past like sell and use drugs but luckely I'v gotten smart and grew out of that shit before it literaly ate me up. Now I'm just trying to go for a good looking body and nutrition plan and get through life. I even have a bumper sticker on my truck that says "Firefighters save lives, Cops destroy them". Another thing is.. I'v seen actual cops that are good and do what they are supposed to, but very few. They even admit that the people they work with should be ripped of their badge. I don't know about other folks but here in Georgia it seems to get worse and worse.


              • #8
                I can't stand that shit either, my bro is 32 and cons my little brother to go on his bank account and pay his bills. I laugh at that shit because that's just so fucking pathetic. He asks me to do stuff like that all the time but I tell him, I got a life. I know I probably shouldn't be doing this for him but he is still my brother and I dont wan't to see him ruin his life. I believe he's taking cypionate, deca, and d-bol atm. His other friend is just a junky on the stuff. He has like 20 viles at his house, all having like 1 or 2 cc's left in them because he buys one anabolic, doesn't go through the whole cycle, then can't wait to try the other he buys a week later. He's also not getting any bigger or stronger and I'm lifting the same amount he is now but he used be stronger than me. He also just quit taking t400 because it made him super weak and grow like volcanoes on his skin that would have puss and blood ooze out of them. It was the same t400 bottles that Geartripper had pictures off in his one post with all his shit. Btw thats a shitload.


                • #9
                  i'd delete your last few posts,,,


