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PCT without clomid????

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  • PCT without clomid????

    How many guys have tried doing there PCT without clomid??? And what did you use, and how??

    The reason I ask, is clomid gives me some nasty acne on my back and chest.... I could really go without that.... soo..... I am wondering what my options are.......

  • #2
    Ive used Nolvadex at a 40/40/20/20 regiem.. it worked decently. No complaints


    • #3
      Thanks I might try that. What if I am already running Nolva?? just keep running it....


      • #4
        Originally posted by Nekrawulf
        Ive used Nolvadex at a 40/40/20/20 regiem.. it worked decently. No complaints

        i ran the same thing Nolvadex like this

        day 1: 80mgs

        day 2-6: 60mgs

        days 7-14: 40 mgs

        days 15-21: 20 mgs

        and it worked well for me.


        • #5
          So you did PCT with just Nolva???


          • #6
            Guggulsterones: 180mg/day
            Policosanol: 40mg/day
            Green Tea(45% ECGCG): 1g/day
            Tocotreniols: 1g/day(A way more potent form of Vitamin E)
            Garlic(Kyolic): 1g/day
            (Novaldex: 20mg/day)
            exemestane, nolva, and proviron is an awesome PCT. exemestane is unmateched at keeping estro from binding, the nolva will take care of that last 3-5% of estro exem doesnt get, and it will help lipids, and the proviron, shoudl help improve hardness, and mood since your androgen levels are still somewhat elevated. this is my current PCT I cannot give results yet as I am not through . but this has been debated thoroughly and this is what I ended up with ,,, I hate Clomid too!


            • #7
              Formestane is also an option. It is a very very mild androgen that is also an armoatose inhibitor, but also raises Test levels, but it is not strong enough to cause any negative feedback. 7-oxo-dhea is also a good edition.

              Good post teekathy


              • #8
                Originally posted by Bruce Banner
                So you did PCT with just Nolva???

                yup and it worked. I kept mostly all my gains. I lost water though but kept my new size and feel good about it.


                • #9
                  Great to hear!! Thanks for the help guys!


                  • #10
                    just wanted 2 ask 1 more question about using Nolva for pct...
                    does it make ur balls come back 2 the normal size they were before juicing???]


                    • #11
                      Clomid does not cause acne bro, your still going to get acne post cycle with nolva....dont forget your levels are going to be all over the place, thats what causes the acne!


                      • #12
                        yeah that's the thing IMO there is no alternative to clomid post cyclel, I use clomid and nolv personally. The acne is because of the drastic changes in your test levels after the cycle. Try using some armidex or letrozole to keep your levels in check...good luck


                        • #13
                          agreed about the acne being related to the cycle but its always worse when clomid is used instead of nolva....still get it with both but far worse with clomid
                          IMO nolva is a better substitute to clomid
                          i run at 40 mgs first 2 weeks then 20 mgs next 2 weeks combined with trib

