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sustanon 250

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  • sustanon 250

    for a novice with AS, is 250mg of sustanon a week a good starting cycle??

  • #2
    You havn't listened to what anyone has said yet. So why should we try and help you anymore?


    • #3
      Originally posted by Shibby
      You havn't listened to what anyone has said yet. So why should we try and help you anymore?
      Agreed, this guy is only sixteen! Look at his past posts before answering.


      • #4
        What is it with the high school kids and sust these days? That's all I ever hear about.


        • #5
          Yea I should ban him, but he will just register a new name and ask the same dumb questions wasting our time. I already told him once he is to young to be posting in this section anyways. Then he also tried to make another thread saying he was 18 like I wouldn't notice. He may get a new username anyways since he's not going to get anywhere with this username. "bigguy02" trust me, we will still know by the way you ask your questions if you have any business using AS no matter what user name you use.


          • #6
            i am not tryin to ask stupid questions. im just very new to this shit. i have alotta pressure on me for football and i have some pple tryin to sell me some shit that i dont know too much about and im just lookin for second opinions. i have researched on google and yahoo and i just wanted second opinions so i dont buy something i dont have any knowledge about. im 16 i have had about 7 solid months of training and a well balanced diet and im really not getting as good as gains as i need. Im not tryin to piss anyone off i was just trying to get answers. i know how dangerous it is for my age but im not asking anyone to lecture me on how im too young.I know SOME of you pple on here are gonna talk shit but i dont really care.


            • #7
              Do you understand that people are trying to help you out here? You are 16 still growing and have more test in you than you think.People pay alot of money to have as much test that you are producing naturally.You can seriousily screw youself up at this age and for what? This is why steriods are under such a spotlight ,people not researching and kids yes I mean kids using them.Dont take this as a lecture but some good sound advice.If you are hell bent on taking them ,and I know you probably will ,do yourself a favor and wait,research,eat right,and train right and results will follow.


              • #8
                Ok, so I will answer your original question. NO! I can't find the numbers right now but you are naturally producing 250-300mg of test a week already. You don't need anymore than that. This also means you should post your diet and get it checked like it's been asked before. Don't be affraid to be critisized and find out you are wrong. That's how you learn.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by bigguy02
                  for a novice with AS, is 250mg of sustanon a week a good starting cycle??
                  I know that we've been pretty hard on you bro but you need to listen to what we are saying. We're not hard on everyone, just the ones that we need to be hard on...

                  Post your diet etc. I (and I'm sure numerous people) on this board would love to go back in time to be your age and start all over again with diet etc knowing then what we know now. Feed off of us and you'll get much farther than listening to the guys who are pushing this stuff on you....

                  (Geez - I sound like my dad :()

