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  • question

    How can you tell what is real or generic?

    This is just research thats all...i have no intentions of trying any type of AAS anytime soon. Just trying to learn as much as i can.

  • #2
    Originally posted by stud_wit_style
    How can you tell what is real or generic?

    This is just research thats all...i have no intentions of trying any type of AAS anytime soon. Just trying to learn as much as i can.
    can you be more clear!


    • #3
      not sure what you're asking, so lemme spit out some answers:

      1. it's getting harder and harder, according to Bill Llewellyn, to spot fake gear...basically, it looks like pharm grade gear, but isn't

      2. if it's your homework

      3. one little tidbit -- if it comes from an American pharm, it will have a "CIII" on it, for Schedule III drug...a "C" with a "III" in the hole of the C.

      please clarify your question, though


      • #4
        Plain and simple bro, there are lots of different ways that range from inspecting the product and labeling or just sending it off and getting it lab tested.

        We would have to have specifics on the product though to give you the best possible answer.


        • #5
          I guess that was a little vague...mybad.

          I was refering to AAS and how you can tell if it is the real deal or not. Maybe what i should do (when i am ready) is just get some AAS and post a pic of the label maybe then you guys could tell me if it is the real deal or not???

          Can i do that on this forum? If i cant post a pic maybe i could describe the label without mentioning any brands or manufacturers????


          • #6
            Originally posted by stud_wit_style
            I guess that was a little vague...mybad.

            I was refering to AAS and how you can tell if it is the real deal or not. Maybe what i should do (when i am ready) is just get some AAS and post a pic of the label maybe then you guys could tell me if it is the real deal or not???

            Can i do that on this forum? If i cant post a pic maybe i could describe the label without mentioning any brands or manufacturers????
            i always tell people to pick up an "anabolics book of 2005-6" they are actuall very useful if you are willing to spend the money :D


            • #7
              Originally posted by stud_wit_style
              How can you tell what is real or generic?

              Most generic food is real, just cheaper and has a bland label


              • #8
                Good luck bro. I hope you learn everthing you need to before you do anything. Make sure you check into pct and other things also.

