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Tren/Prop Cycle

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  • Tren/Prop Cycle

    I've been contimplating the following 6-8 wk cycle for the summer:

    Tren - 75mgs EOD
    Prop - 100mgs EOD

    This is the first time Im using either chemical. I know alot of people say 100mgs of each, but others have said Ill be fine on 75mgs of the tren since its my first time using it.

    I've done a few mild cycles in the past of EQ/Cyp and Deca/Sus.
    Its been almost a year since I've touched anything.
    Im currently 218lbs at 6' tall. Not sure what my BF is.

    My goals are to harden up with minimal weight gain. Ill take the gains, but Im not looking to put on a ton of mass and dont expect to with this cycle.


    -Do you think I really need to shoot EOD for this to be effective or can I go on an every 3rd day schedule (shoot Monday, Shoot Thurs., Shott Sunday, etc...)?

    -I'm prone to gyno and have liquid Letro on hand from Lion. What kind of dosage should I be using on this cylce? How many sprays?

    -Anavar has become available to me. Would it help to throw that in as well?

    I also purchased Lions liquid Clomid and Nolv to have on hand.

    Ill be taking ALA, Potassium, Magnesium, etc... to try and combat some of the sides from the Tren.

    I appreciatte your opinions and advice!
    Thanks in advance!

  • #2
    EOD injections will work fine.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Alin
      EOD injections will work fine.

      I know EOD is standard, but what I was asking was, how would adding that extra day between shots effect my results? EOD is alot of shots...just trying to give myself another day to reduce teh pin cushion feel and extend the cycle a bit.


      • #4
        Originally posted by ZNIG
        just trying to give myself another day to reduce teh pin cushion feel and extend the cycle a bit.
        rotate your injection sites, or as one of my buddies would say, "dude, just man up." You could also use longer esters (test cyp/e and tren e), but that would probably necessitate lengthening your cycle


        • #5
          Thanks guys.
          How about the Letro dosages? How much? Everyday?


          • #6
            With letro, you will want to use as little as possible, for the sake of both your libido and your lipid profile. At only 100mg EOD of test prop, you should be able to get away with a very low dose of letro...say .5mg ED. A little bit of letro goes a very long way...start low and then adjust incrementally if necessary.

