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Stealth Oils question

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  • Stealth Oils question

    Has anyone else experienced soreness associated with Stealth Test enanthate oils? 2 injections now. 23gauge needles with 1.5" pin. 1.5cc's I swab with alcohol and shoot with no pain. One day later the area is red, warm and a little sore. This is twice the same way. I alternated glutes. These are unopened syringes and what I did was draw the oil directly out of the sachets into the syringes. Should the stealth oils be drawn out and baked? filters? I hope it's not like this every time, but 2 times in a row is not good. Thanks


  • #2
    I wouldnt inject myself with anything that comes out of a ketchup packet, I have read about people getting bad infections and abcess from using them. I would spend alittle extra cash and get some better quality gear.
    Just my 2 ccs


    • #3
      Originally posted by Knoxville
      ...One day later the area is red, warm and a little sore...

      These are the symptoms of a possible abcess. I'd be careful with this stuff bro.


      • #4
        I don't know how sterile the product is going to be when packaged like that. It may just have a lot of BA/BB to help with the sterilization but in turn would make it very painful, but then again, I typically have the sides that you just mentioned whenever I'm shooting test. You could filter it with a .2 micron filter to help make it more sterile if you'd like to be more sure.

        There are lots of helpful injection techniques on the board if you would want to look that up too. I'd just ice the area and give it a little time to go down. If it were to get worse and you were worried about an abcess you'd have to go to the hospital, but I wouldn't jump to that conclusion just yet.


        • #5
          I had a major abcess that required serious medical attention about 2 years ago. The doctors still think it was a spider bite... That is why it scares me a little bit. My way of injection has never given me problems in the past. I used IP test enanthate oil last go around and never had symptoms like this. I used it straight, no filtering, no heating and it worked fine. If I am sore like this after a 3rd injection, then I'm going to filter. Thanks!



          • #6
            What ever happened, I am experiencing similar symptoms. I'm about to cut this very short. I have a huge knot under the injection area, not red, but a bit swolen and i feel it under the skin. Not too happy with stealth right now.


            • #7
              From what I have gathered, basically all Stealth products are like this.
              i think the reasoning is themust add alot of BA to their products.
              Last edited by Bouncer; 04-03-07, 10:29 PM.


              • #8
                I agree with IRON BULL, To keep the products sterile they must add alot of BA,
                personally I would tranfer to a sterile vial and bake it. There is a post somewhere in the forum on how to do this.


                • #9
                  Maybe draw up an extra cc of sterile oil or b12 when you pin it. See if that dilutes it a bit and takes some pain away.


                  • #10
                    B 12 or 1/2 cc of deca would help also - anything to get some more oil into the mix - injection pain is usually the result of to much BA in the mix


                    • #11
                      I ended up mixing my last 10 cc's of stealth with IP's Test E. It hurt, just not as much after that. I'll never buy either again. You couldn't give me any stealth products for free. My conclusion after my experience with Stealth is to PASS. Who really wants to cut their gear with something else or to have to bake it to make it feasible for injection.



                      • #12
                        The pain is one thing, I'm just worried it might be an absess. I will give it a few more days. There really isn't pain all the time, just when I touch the area, but there is a really big knot beneath the surface of the skin and it's not really red much, if any. I've started antibiotics as a pre-caution.

