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Human Grade Sustanon 350

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  • Human Grade Sustanon 350

    I am considering taking a cycle of sustanon for my first cycle and I was originally going to take sustanon 250 one shot a week for 10 weeks... well a friend of mine came across something called human grade sustanon 350... has anyone ever heard of this before? since i am only doing one shot a week would this be better considering it is 350mg versus 250mg? i have clomid for PCT

  • #2
    What brand is this 350? and 1 shot a week for ten weeks is not going to do anything for you, you need to do some more reading before you jump into this.


    • #3
      Originally posted by rippedup
      I am considering taking a cycle of sustanon for my first cycle and I was originally going to take sustanon 250 one shot a week for 10 weeks... well a friend of mine came across something called human grade sustanon 350... has anyone ever heard of this before? since i am only doing one shot a week would this be better considering it is 350mg versus 250mg? i have clomid for PCT

      Human grade your sure? Who makes this brand?


      • #4
        its sustanon 350 by rugio labratories


        • #5
          Originally posted by kingj
          What brand is this 350? and 1 shot a week for ten weeks is not going to do anything for you, you need to do some more reading before you jump into this.

          I wouldn't say it will do nothing. Probably pretty close to nothing, LOL. Pretty weak cycle.


          • #6
            Originally posted by rippedup
            its sustanon 350 by rugio labratories

            And they are a human grade facility,,,pharm brand?


            • #7
              Originally posted by kingj
              What brand is this 350? and 1 shot a week for ten weeks is not going to do anything for you, you need to do some more reading before you jump into this.

              My first cycle was 1 amp of karachi sus per week. I grew like a weed. A cheaper cycle would probably b cyp or enanthate. U will b wasting the prop n the sust. but its ok to shoot long esters once a week. I have split my test up twice a week and shot one time per week. I couldnt tell a difference.



              • #8
                i was wondering if this would be too strong for my first cycle... i hear its pretty harsh and burns a lot more than regular sust cuz it has more prop in it


                • #9
                  I'd stick with the sus. 250 and bump it to 2 shots a week...monday and thursday, 10 weeks @ 500mg per week.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by rippedup
                    I am considering taking a cycle of sustanon for my first cycle and I was originally going to take sustanon 250 one shot a week for 10 weeks... well a friend of mine came across something called human grade sustanon 350... has anyone ever heard of this before? since i am only doing one shot a week would this be better considering it is 350mg versus 250mg? i have clomid for PCT

                    i doubt its human grade


                    • #11

                      i have not heard of the lab or is the stuff human grade . but one thing for sure is that any stuff is over 300, it is going to be very painful.

