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HGH administration

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  • HGH administration

    I've browsed through a lot of threads containing info in any form about HGH administration on this site, but I can't seem to find what I'm looking for.

    I'm curious what would be the best way to administrate my HGH based on only two variables - "time of injection" and "dosage".

    When to do the first shot AM? Just upon wakening or a bit later (a bit being how long?) (given that I get up at 7AM on work days - 8AM when off work) -->> I do 30min of cardio ED before breakfest - should the shot be before or after doing my cardio?

    When to do the second shot, PM? Should I place the second shot PWO for best results (given the WO is around 12:30 PM and ending at 14:30 PM), or should I place it around 6 PM dispite of my WO?

    ---->>> I'm doing a low dose at 5IU EOD!!

    I know this can be a bit cryptic to read, but have in mind I'm from Denmark... :)

  • #2
    Half when you wake up and half in the afternoon. It makes no difference if its before or after a workout.


    • #3
      There are MANY views on best timing of GH. You may need to experiment what works best for you. Try AM & NOON


      • #4
        Here is everything I have copied and pasted from different sites...I did not write this - we are learning too...Hope it helps -

        • Wash your hands before you begin.
        • Mix (reconstitute) one vial of Jintropin with the amount of sterile diluents desired.
        • After mixing, gently swirl the mixture in the vial until the powder is dissolved. Do not shake. The liquid should be clear with no white powder remaining.
        • Withdraw the prescribed amount of Jintropin using the sterile needle and syringe.
        • Choose a delivery site and clean it with an alcohol wipe. The best sites are those with a layer of fat between the skin and muscle, like the thigh, the back of the upper arm, the abdomen and the rear end. Use a different site every time, and do not deliver Jintropin to an area of the body where the skin is irritated, reddened, or bruised.
        • Deliver Jintropin by pinching small area of skin and inserting needle into body at a 90-degree angle. Once needle is inserted into the body, depress needle plunger until HGH has been injected into the body.
        • Apply pressure to the site using a gauze pad or cotton ball.
        • Dispose of needles properly in a bio hazardous waste container. Do not reuse needles or syringes.
        In the world of Growth Hormone research you could spend hours upon hours wading through theories,anecdotal evidence,and useless gibberish to find your answers. I have done all of that for you.


        The main brands that you will see today are:
        SEROSTIM--made by Serono,this used to be the most popular GH out.It comes in a "kit" which consists of 7 bottles. Each bottle is 18iu. This gives the total of 126iu. Each bottle has a small disk of powder in it,which when turned upside down,will remain as a disk.If there is no disk then it is fake.

        EUROTECH-- this particular brand is considered an underground GH supposedly out of Germany. Again,the GH is shipped in a "kit" consisting of 120iu. The disk is very hard to see because the bottle is almost always caked with powder. This is probably the most unstable of all of the growth hormones on the market. Unless it is shipped overnight with a cold pack that stays cold, it is useless. It degrades very quickly which means it probably consists of the 192 amino sequence.

        JINTROPIN-- made by Genesci,this fairly new GH is by far the most potent of all. It comes in a kit consisting of 10 bottles. Each bottle is 10iu. This gives the total of 100iu. These bottles do not have a distinct disk but instead have a powder. The quality of the Jin is similar to that of Humatrope which is a very expensive American GH usually prescribed by physicians,and can cost 4 times that of Jintropin.

        STORAGE: Most GH can handle being in room temperature for a week. It is recommended that it be refridgerated as soon as possible and kept refrigerated. The Eurotech brand cannot be kept at room temperature or it will be "biologically inactive".

        H2O: when mixing your GH into a solution there are 2 types of water that can be used, sterile or bacteriostatic. Sterile water is usually sent with the GH kits and is meant to be used within a 48 hour period. Bacteriostatic water has a small amount of acid in it which allows the GH to be kept for a longer period of time. Simply put, the acid keeps the bond between the molecules more stable. The sterile water only will cause the bonds to weaken very quickly and become unstable.

        DOSING: how do you figure dosing? First, an insulin pin which measures 1cc in graduated increments should be used. We will call each mark a "click". The syringe has 100 clicks.
        SEROSTIM: every 5.5 clicks equals 1iu
        JINTROPIN: every 10 clicks equals 1iu
        All we do is take the total number of clicks(100) and divide it by the total iu in 1 bottle.This is assuming that 1ml of water is used per bottle. Any more dillutes it.

        MIXING: when adding the water to the powder always release the water slowly and down the side of the glass. This will assure that the compound remains intact. GH by nature is fragile. Once the water is in gently swirl the solution. DO NOT SHAKE. Continue to swirl until all is dissolved.

        WHERE TO INJECT: The most readily absorbed area is the inner thigh. This should be done subq. by pinching a small fold and injecting in the middle. I do not recommend the abdomen as the fat tends to slow absorption. GH can be injected anywhere subq.though.

        LENGTH OF USE: Growth does not elicit results immediately. The time span involved to see results varies from 2 weeks to 3 months. The better matched compounds to human DNA(Jintropin) is much quicker than say the Serostim with regard to results. If you cannot stay on GH for at least 4 months dont waste your money. This usually requires about 4 kits,not cheap.

        Result of well being, some lipolysis,improved skin appearance: 2iu daily
        Moderate lipolysis, better sleep, more energy: 3iu daily
        Begin to see fullness in the muscle,advanced lipolysis: 4iu daily
        Muscular hypertrophy, feeling like a king, full as hell: 5iu daily

        The above might be a little too simple but you get the picture. GH is a long term investment that can not be done half assed to see results.

        WHEN TO TAKE: our natural GH levels are highest 2 hours after sleep and lowest in the morning. Since we want to take advantage of both natural and exogenous GH, it is best to take half in the morning upon waking and the other half between post workout and sleep. The second best would be to take it all in the morning.
        Never take GH close to bed,as that will eventually downgrade the natural production. We want to take advantage of all the IGF that we can.

        I hope this helps. It is oversimplified but this method comes from not only research but trial and error and it works.


        • #5
          I agree with the half when you wake up and then half in the afternoon. Just don't take it right before bed, you're body is going to release most of your own GH within the first few hours of sleep.

