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  • IGF

    I understand that IGF causes muscle growth on its own therfore it dosn't have to be used with anabolic steroids. My question is, has anyone tried that? If so how were the results? I figure it might be a good suggestion to my nephew. He is on the high school football team, his other teammates have been experiencing with steriods and I know that can mess him up. IGF should do the trick with out sides right?

  • #2


    • #3
      Originally posted by moranitotongano
      I understand that IGF causes muscle growth on its own therfore it dosn't have to be used with anabolic steroids. My question is, has anyone tried that? If so how were the results? I figure it might be a good suggestion to my nephew. He is on the high school football team, his other teammates have been experiencing with steriods and I know that can mess him up. IGF should do the trick with out sides right?

      Dont give him anything! This boy is young and natural hgh,igf,test are all optimal. All he needs is disciplined training and nutrition program.


      • #4
        Originally posted by moranitotongano
        I understand that IGF causes muscle growth on its own therfore it dosn't have to be used with anabolic steroids. My question is, has anyone tried that? If so how were the results? I figure it might be a good suggestion to my nephew. He is on the high school football team, his other teammates have been experiencing with steriods and I know that can mess him up. IGF should do the trick with out sides right?
        your fucking joking rite :nono:


        • #5
          Originally posted by moranitotongano
          I understand that IGF causes muscle growth on its own therfore it dosn't have to be used with anabolic steroids. My question is, has anyone tried that? If so how were the results? I figure it might be a good suggestion to my nephew. He is on the high school football team, his other teammates have been experiencing with steriods and I know that can mess him up. IGF should do the trick with out sides right?

          Wow, you're an awesome role model aren't you? Are you going to buy him some pins for his birthday?


          • #6
            atleast you did some research first.


            • #7
              no2, Creatine, weight gainer, alot of protein.
              I'm sure these will help with strength and size.

              Let him make the decision of aas at a later time, for now a little young in my opinion. :lm:

