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whats best for cortisol control?

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  • whats best for cortisol control?

    whats best for cortisol control? Anything new or that works. So far all I have to go by is Relacore and cortislim. Wich basically have propiertary herbal blends that reduce stress and anxiety, and coupled with phosphatyldyserine.
    Phosphatyldyserine alone can give up to 30% reduction. I just am not sure about those claims....anyone have the cortisol game all figured out. I imagine theres no way my doc will give me a script for anticortisol but if theres something really effective I guess i could try an online pharm. Thanks for any input.

  • #2
    very difficult one to answer, the meds out there are tempremental and come with complex dosing patterns and problems of their own. Personally I'd say forget them.

    In choosing the right aas remember that they too have different effects on cortisol as well as their anabolic side. With this in mind, its not always the best cortisol blocker thats the best choice; e.g dianabol is supposedly a fantastic cortisol blocker but the theory is that while you taking it your cortisol levels are increasing, fighting to balance out. The problem being that when you take it away you not only have the inherent low test/anabolic issues but an onslaught of higher than normal cortisol to deal with which is one of the reasons gains can be ripped from you.

    Oral Turinabol on the other hand doesn't do much to block cortisol while on, the upside being that you don't tend to find the same losses of gains post cycle.

    Keep it simple dude IMO, don'tb get hooked up on anti cortisol heresay. The best way to stop excess cortisol is good post workout recovery drink, good nutrition, plenty of rest/sleep and low stress.


    • #3
      Any Anabolic/Androgenic steroids works in part by lowering cortisol levels.


      • #4
        ^yep, the only correct answer

        dont waste your $ on relacore or cortislim. proven not to work, plus the role of cortisol control alone is controversal for fat loss & muscle gain.


        • #5
          I thought AAS only stops cortisols action and can downgrade or plug the receptors.....leading to having a shitload of cortisol hitting you after your cycle.

          Edit: I am sorry you just said something like this, thanks...... I dont want to waste any of my $.

          The reason I ask is because of my high levels of stress. I beleive I have some serious cortisol issues. I will not know till testing, but I have high levels of broken down muscle tissues in my blood.
          Last edited by t3chnin3; 02-07-07, 11:13 PM.


          • #6
            ^no plus, proper PCT will bring you back to normal after AAS use but i dont think that AAS is what you want to do based on your response about stress. i almost didnt respond. i thought you were getting at something else b/c you didnt mention fat loss or muscle gain.

            any other way to deal with the stress? new job? etc. life's too short bro, your heath should be #1.

