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is timing inportant with o turinabol

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  • is timing inportant with o turinabol

    hi guys just wondering is there a best time to take oral turinabol or even the need to split doseages for maximum effect ? :hmmm:

  • #2
    what is your dosage? lets say it is 40mg/day. 20mgs twice daily would be optimal. morning and afternoon.

    turinabol is pretty rare isnt it?


    • #3
      thanks bro my dosage will be 40mg im using british dragon ot , not that hard to come by here in the uk ,


      • #4
        let us know how it goes bro. never used it myself.


        • #5
          will do bro thanks !


          • #6
            I used BD T-bol and had excellent results with it. It hurt my stomach after I was on it around 4-5 weeks. I was taking 50mgs each day so I lowered my dose to 30mgs and it seemed to help with the sides. It lived up to its rep though. I was strong and hard as a rock. Just like Dbol except no bloat. Im lean so I can stack it with just about anything and get the results Im looking for, but I think its a good replacement for anybody that likes Dbol but doesnt want the bloat.. I used it in two cycles. Once with Prop and winny, and another time with cyp and deca. I think its a great drug. It would be really popular if more people would give it a try. Its a little pricey, but it works great. Bouncer, you should try this stuff in place of Dbol, or whichever oral you usually use. Youll be pleasantly surprised to see how good it is....


            • #7
              Ya, from what I understand it has actually been around along time just not that popular. From what I have read, it lowers test levels so I would definitely want to run it with a little test I would think.


              • #8
                I've run it before...I like to divide my doses evenly throughout the day (I work out in the evening). I try to time it so my last dose is about 45min before my workout, so I know I have a high level in my system for my workout and my post-workout protein servings.


                • #9
                  good info bro , im running mine with sus, deca sus at a 4 week front load 1000mg pw sus 400mg deca then 500mg sus 400mg deca right throught for 12 weeks total followed by pct running ot 40 mg pd for six weeks


                  • #10

                    seen good results at 50mg/ed split into 2x day. Just like they said less bloat than d- stacks good with almost anything...


                    • #11
                      I've used the BD stuff, it worked but also gave me stomach pains after a few weeks, try having them with meals and you can break them twice or thrice for best effect. Given the choice I would have put the BD 50mg winnie or Anavar with that cycle, but T bol will be ok


                      • #12
                        i think u rather should use the inj form of winny, using to orals that are toxic to the liver might not be the best idea mate ?

