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Oh shit

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  • Oh shit

    big prime time documentary on BBC by former olympic medalist Mathew Pinsent about HGH use in sports and the fact that it is not illegal to use here but illegal in the states.

    Really biased interview included the english scientist that came up with an effective test for catching atheletes in 1999, but hey presto the olympic comitte didn't want it. Instead they went with a test that wasn't effective, and no-one got court.

    So in the documentary they interview, gues what, yeah - 'a bodybuilder with his face away from the camera' saying 'yeah I been taking gh for 20 years'

    just wait for the knee jerk political points scoring now, someone will push for making it illegal in the UK

  • #2
    I think that first test they came up with was VERY expensive and many times results were inconclusive. Not sure on that, I just remember hearing something about it awhile back. What was the show called? Maybe they will show it hear on BBC America.


    • #3
      Well the majority say it was a very robust test. The result now is that they have an ineffective test, one that can only tell if you used withing 24 hours before the test. The same one they used since 2000, and how many atheletes have been caught? thats right, NONE!!

      They could have had a better one but I think they new if they did, everyone would've got banned !! and it would have ruined the olympics, and who wants that on their watch??

      They say in the report that HGH makes your nose grow, well if the twat 'Mathew Pinsent' reporting's profile was anything to go one, he must have been on 20iu a day.

      What a joke

