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why cant i lose weight?

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  • why cant i lose weight?

    Im running a pretty strict diet posted it on here before only carbs i eat are post workout meal which is a yam, its 8 smaller meals a day of fish, lean steak, and chicken only with vegies. i also eat half a cup of oats in the morning with my eggs.

    anyway im taking t-3 and clen and doing an hour of cardio a day now instead of a half hour, i do a half in the morning and a half after workout tread mill at 3.3mph and 12% incline, i have only lost 2 lbs in 3 weeks of clen and t3. im also on prop and tren, whenever i take winstrol or at least in my experience in the past that works better for me than anything, can anyone give some advice to me i seem to be the person that its so hard to lose weight and im workin hard at it getting bigger but not gettin smaller, im just the type that grows no matter how my work outs are

  • #2
    Originally posted by parabody View Post
    getting bigger but not gettin smaller,
    sounds to me like you answered the question. you are getting bigger with the prop and the tren. you do realize that muscle has weight right? lol. :)

    dont worry about the amount of "weight" you have lost. worry about fat loss. take bf% measurements and i am sure you will see that you are making progress.


    • #3
      by the way, if you are hell bent on losing weight. drop the tren and prop and cut your protein. i promise you, you will loss all the weight you want. :D


      • #4
        Originally posted by parabody View Post
        Im running a pretty strict diet posted it on here before only carbs i eat are post workout meal which is a yam, its 8 smaller meals a day of fish, lean steak, and chicken only with vegies. i also eat half a cup of oats in the morning with my eggs.

        anyway im taking t-3 and clen and doing an hour of cardio a day now instead of a half hour, i do a half in the morning and a half after workout tread mill at 3.3mph and 12% incline, i have only lost 2 lbs in 3 weeks of clen and t3. im also on prop and tren, whenever i take winstrol or at least in my experience in the past that works better for me than anything, can anyone give some advice to me i seem to be the person that its so hard to lose weight and im workin hard at it getting bigger but not gettin smaller, im just the type that grows no matter how my work outs are
        as bouncer said..."Weight" numbers are irrelevant if you don't know whats going on inside as far as muscle gain vs fat loss. but then again there is not a real good cheap way to find that answer too. so the mirror is the best judge or standardized photos.


        • #5
          yeah im getting huge and thats probably my problem but i would have thought i would have lost more belly or waist fat than i have and ive been doing alot of cardio in order to do this, im putting on alot of weight in my legs chest and shoulders, i am dropping the prop at week 10 which is 2 weeks from now and running tren and winny from weeks 10-16 if my test leves drop to far i may just do a very very small amount of prop to stay anabolic, im still debating how much and how often to take the winny though, its injectable and i have about 30ml anyone have any suggestions im used to taking it orally at 50mg a day but was thinking taking it 50mg inject eod would that work? or should i take it every day?


          • #6
            i kind of found my answer that some people say i ts ok to inject eod but some also say that you must do every day what if i inject eod and grab some 50mg tabs and take them on the days i dont inject, would that work better?


            • #7
              i would skip the injection all together and just drink the 50mg ED. the difference between injection and orally is very small.


              • #8
                ok cause i saw some of your posts from about a year ago and you said then you didnt wanna bother with injection or havent done it if i recall but another guy was sayign that you lose about 25% of it by drinking it, it doesnt start for 2 more weeeks so im going to do some more research but last time i toke it was about 2 years ago i guess somewhere around there and i def had real good results just from qv 10 tabs 4 a day wish they were still aroudn i loved them as a company.


                • #9
                  I had a thought. I know for me to loose fat I respond better to keeping my fat intake very low and my carbs moderate. But I have known people who respond better to lower carbs. Have you tried manipulating both?


                  • #10
                    i have tried carb cycling but not fat, dont get me wrong i lost like 6lbs which isnt much but i can see my stomach getting tinnier i just want it to happen over night which it isnt going to thanks everyone for the advice and if anyone can help me with the winny inject vs drinking and how often id love that


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by parabody View Post
                      ok cause i saw some of your posts from about a year ago and you said then you didnt wanna bother with injection or havent done it if i recall but another guy was sayign that you lose about 25% of it by drinking it, it doesnt start for 2 more weeeks so im going to do some more research but last time i toke it was about 2 years ago i guess somewhere around there and i def had real good results just from qv 10 tabs 4 a day wish they were still aroudn i loved them as a company.
                      25% is a BS number. dont read to much into things, it works great orally.


                      • #12
                        I did EOD injections and ED injections, never drank it. I would say inject it everyday. I have only seen one person say drink it (hmm hmm bouncer) I do trust what he says but I myself would worry about drinking it and not getting the full benefits and wasting that time and money. I say just shoot it and you know for sure your getting everything you can. Just my thoughts.


                        • #13
                          so did you notice a big difference between every day and every other and were you doing the full 50mg every day 7 days a week or what? im trying to get the most out of this ive never used winny inject before just tabs so im kinda new to that, i figure ill prop do this then mid summer just run t3 and clen with winny by it self i know no test wtf but it will be just to shred up a lil more in july


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by parabody View Post
                            Im running a pretty strict diet posted it on here before only carbs i eat are post workout meal which is a yam, its 8 smaller meals a day of fish, lean steak, and chicken only with vegies. i also eat half a cup of oats in the morning with my eggs.

                            anyway im taking t-3 and clen and doing an hour of cardio a day now instead of a half hour, i do a half in the morning and a half after workout tread mill at 3.3mph and 12% incline, i have only lost 2 lbs in 3 weeks of clen and t3. im also on prop and tren, whenever i take winstrol or at least in my experience in the past that works better for me than anything, can anyone give some advice to me i seem to be the person that its so hard to lose weight and im workin hard at it getting bigger but not gettin smaller, im just the type that grows no matter how my work outs are
                            have you accurately tested your BF%?


                            • #15
                              yeah i got a bod pod done about 3 weeks ago at 12% and i know that s a lil high for winny to be really noticeable but last time i toke it it helped me lose alot of weight for some reason i think winny just works well for my body for some reason

