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  • Theoretically...

    If one was to inject 300mg of cypionate every 5 days, if his natural test was zero, approximately how much test would he have in his system. I have a friend who tested, and is curious how much he would have. He needs to stay under 700 i beleive, or something about that.

  • #2
    Originally posted by alwaysgrowing View Post
    If one was to inject 300mg of cypionate every 5 days, if his natural test was zero, approximately how much test would he have in his system. I have a friend who tested, and is curious how much he would have. He needs to stay under 700 i beleive, or something about that.
    not a clue. lol. sorry


    • #3
      Originally posted by alwaysgrowing View Post
      If one was to inject 300mg of cypionate every 5 days, if his natural test was zero, approximately how much test would he have in his system. I have a friend who tested, and is curious how much he would have. He needs to stay under 700 i beleive, or something about that.
      it will build overtime at just 5 days apart injects and go past what is suppose to be natural t levels -- hrt protocal to keep t levels in the normal range is 250 mgs every 2 weeks - it will be boosted over time if your test levels were to fall below standard - example 300 mgs every 2 weeks - 2 weeks being the time table between injects -- now if you lessen that time table to a 5 day window as you have stated 300 mgs every 5 days - you will push past what is standard t levels and will set off a red flag if tested !!


      • #4
        Originally posted by bigscott View Post
        it will build overtime at just 5 days apart injects and go past what is suppose to be natural t levels -- hrt protocal to keep t levels in the normal range is 250 mgs every 2 weeks - it will be boosted over time if your test levels were to fall below standard - example 300 mgs every 2 weeks - 2 weeks being the time table between injects -- now if you lessen that time table to a 5 day window as you have stated 300 mgs every 5 days - you will push past what is standard t levels and will set off a red flag if tested !!
        Thanks Scott.


        • #5
          Originally posted by rado
          If his natural test levels were zero, I would be worrying about other shit don't think it works that way; as mentioned above.

          When I was on 100mgs of prop EOD, my test levels were over 2600.
          His test level isn't zero. I was just using that as a basis. I'd figure take a ballpark figure, and add his last test reading to it to get approximatel where he would be. Wait until he got tested again, and then adjust the dose if needed. He just needs to be under


          • #6
            Here is an example of how to do the math to figure out your numbers:

            Lets say he is using 300mg every 7 days and assume a 14 day half life to make the math easier.... The math looks like this:

            Day 1 - Inject 300mg (1)
            Day 7 - Baseline Test = 75mg (1) Inject 300mg (2)
            Day 14 - Base T = 150mg (1) + 75mg (2) = 225mg Inject 300mg (3)
            Day 21 - Base T = 75mg (1) + 150mg (2) + 75mg (3) = 300mg Inject 300mg (4)
            Day 28 - Base T = 75mg (2) + 150mg (3) + 75mg (4) = 300mg Inject 300mg (5)
            Day 35 - ............................ And so on....

            I used numbers to show which shot number each inject is and then showed how much of it is in your blood at each inject day by putting it in brackets beside the amount.... As you can see with 300mg injected every 7 days it would be day 21 before you were up to 300mg in the blood and since your dosage is 300mg then your blood levels can't go above that (not taking into account your natty test amounts but they will drop since you are taking test anyway).

            If you want to get technical your blood levels would never actually reach 300mg because the ester is a long one... The longer the ester the more space it occupies and therefore the less real test you are getting in your blood... For example, 100mg of test enth would actually contain maybe 80mg of real test that would go in your blood and the rest of the space would be occupied by the ester whereas 100mg Test Prop would contain more like 93mg of actual test. Now those numbers are just guesses on my part but they are close to the true numbers and do the job of illustrating the difference in actual test contained based on the ester....

