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Cycle info

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  • Cycle info

    Me again lol

    I was looking for some opinions on what i should do next.

    I was thinking test e for 12 weeks along with deca for 10 weeks.

    750mg test 3 times a week and 300mg deca 3 times a week,
    i know my test does has to be higher than my deca dose but should i up the deca maybe another 100mg.

    Answers appricated.


  • #2
    Originally posted by rado
    What kind of test? Cyp, Prop, or Enanthate?
    IM using Iranian test enanthate buddy.


    • #3
      Originally posted by rado
      If that's what you look like in the avatar, then you're more than 13%BF....I would not run the deca...Just run some Test for now with some Clen and a good diet...Have you done a cycle before?

      I would just keep it with test...You want to run deca and test=Bloating.
      Yes im not sure about my BF i wasnt tryin to lie what you think its more like and i have did 3 cycles a year for the past 2 years.

      And yes thats me im not sayin im a big boy thats just me.


      • #4
        Originally posted by rado
        What were your previous 3 cycles like? Since it's Enanthate, I would go with twice a week, I would just leave the Deca out. Especially if you're prone for baldness.
        You know i have only ever did 500mg a week of test e spilt twice a week, that was it i love it,
        i have no desire to keep adding more compunds faster esters and getting massive i like the pump and the stenght i get in the gym plus the fact that my well being is through the roof.

        But since this i have upped it to 750mg and added the decca.

        i thought 3 times a week would be better for bloood levels and the fact that Monday
        250mg test e, 100mg decca and the same Wednesday and Friday evens it out as a mil per jab so a mil of each per day i do it

        Do you think im ok or far out here?


        • #5
          You are thinking way to much bro! first you just said you loved 500mgs test why would you wanna bump to 750mgs and add deca? besides the fact I wouldnt run deca for any time less than 12 weeks. Taking test E more than 1 time per week is silly, Sure your levels will be more stable for the first few weeks but I will bet 1 million bucks you would never know the difference. You should be thinking about your diet as much as you are thinking about this gear. you will be better off .


          • #6
            Originally posted by rado
            Let's bet $17 bucks:fufool:
            You must work for Itunes.:mad:


            • #7
              Originally posted by rado

              it tends to rise blood pressure up quite a bit, not to mention Deca dick.

              I'm 5'7" and weighing 209lbs right now on a 6 month cycle of prop/tren/var and hcg...I'm at 11% BF right now...Waist is 32" and I really have to watch my carbs more so than cals; I'm a carb freak.

              I would keep the Liquidex for bloat; .5mgs EOD will do just fine...Are you gyno prone?
              Your a big boy see i dont want to be massive honest,and a 6 month cycle wow, i have never went past 12 weeks lol jesus id never try that, i take complex carb powder tste like ice cream that how i count.

              And yes Gyno prone good lumps lol but the Nolva does the job i have and i have never not did PCT without HCG.


              • #8
                Originally posted by ROCKETW19 View Post
                You are thinking way to much bro! first you just said you loved 500mgs test why would you wanna bump to 750mgs and add deca? besides the fact I wouldnt run deca for any time less than 12 weeks. Taking test E more than 1 time per week is silly, Sure your levels will be more stable for the first few weeks but I will bet 1 million bucks you would never know the difference. You should be thinking about your diet as much as you are thinking about this gear. you will be better off .
                Thanks for the reply and i do watch my diet i honestly do no drinking at all,all the vitamins, cod liver oil, milik thisle even thiugh i dont do orals, i try my best thats why im here get it for real experiences best way, better than any book.

                and im so long doin 500mg i thought why not see what i get with 750mg.

                And i was always told do Enanthate twice a week i just thought id even it out

                What would you suggest i do?



                • #9
                  Originally posted by rado
                  Well thanks, but far from big...But I do look good:P

                  I've done my cycles for 6 months; works great for me. I also get blood work done religiously. I don't get gyno but I do get bloated if I don't do fast acting esters. What are you trying to achieve?

                  Like rocket said...You're making this really complicated.
                  A steady lean 200lbs , tight hard but more strong im after strenght i do 5x5 heavy weights, no shows or the like and a steady weight with good shape for personal reason car crash fractured my vertbrae in my back did my left shoulder and i was a weak mofo.

                  So its more personal stay in shape steady shape and above all the feelin i get just after the gym then the well being in the head is worth it alone.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Lousy_Bastard View Post
                    Thanks for the reply and i do watch my diet i honestly do no drinking at all,all the vitamins, cod liver oil, milik thisle even thiugh i dont do orals, i try my best thats why im here get it for real experiences best way, better than any book.

                    and im so long doin 500mg i thought why not see what i get with 750mg.

                    And i was always told do Enanthate twice a week i just thought id even it out

                    What would you suggest i do?

                    OK I can see you wanting to expermint I have lots of times I guess thats how we find out what works. I would just take the test E at 750mgs no deca this way you will know what the 750mgs does and wont be confused by the deca.
                    As far as diet not drinking is not a diet and all the vits are good but I mean real diet as in food you eat to build the body you want.
                    Good luck!


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by ROCKETW19 View Post
                      OK I can see you wanting to expermint I have lots of times I guess thats how we find out what works. I would just take the test E at 750mgs no deca this way you will know what the 750mgs does and wont be confused by the deca.
                      As far as diet not drinking is not a diet and all the vits are good but I mean real diet as in food you eat to build the body you want.
                      Good luck!
                      Yes sorry i should have staed that its shakes in the more laong with the vitamins to help[ if anything, and then oats my chicken my tuns and beans and i count, whats in them all im not there by no means, but im sure if i stick around here which i intend to do i'll get it right. (maybe) lol

                      Thanks for your suggestion i think your bang on ill just do 750mg twice a week the norm hows that?


                      • #12
                        you don't really mean you are going to inject 750mg twice a week do you??? You mean 750mg total per week split into two shots so 1.5mls twice a week right?? If so then yes thats good and for the record I agree with rocket on this one that if you bump the test and add the deca then you won't really know what is doing what... However I do like test and deca as a cycle so I'm not against you running the test and the deca I would just think you could leave your test dose down at 500 or 600mg per week and then throw in the deca at 400mg per week.... Those two are a good combo for bulking but like mentioned there will be more side effects to deal with as well as bloating...


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by CrankinSteiN View Post
                          you don't really mean you are going to inject 750mg twice a week do you??? You mean 750mg total per week split into two shots so 1.5mls twice a week right?? If so then yes thats good and for the record I agree with rocket on this one that if you bump the test and add the deca then you won't really know what is doing what... However I do like test and deca as a cycle so I'm not against you running the test and the deca I would just think you could leave your test dose down at 500 or 600mg per week and then throw in the deca at 400mg per week.... Those two are a good combo for bulking but like mentioned there will be more side effects to deal with as well as bloating...
                          Of Course i meant split but cant you just frontload.
                          Last edited by Lousy_Bastard; 03-05-09, 03:29 PM.


                          • #14
                            For the record im going 750mg test e Monday and Thursday 1.5ml per shot per day i shoot, i think thats the best thing to do here.



                            • #15
                              That is what I am about to start First of April. I have been off for four years so I think it would be a nice jump to get back on...

                              good luck bro, and let's keep in touch to keep track of results..


