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what is normal pain with aas

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  • what is normal pain with aas

    hey ppl
    i`m on eq/ eneth stack and i was wondering if what every one talks about as pain is what feels like a nasty charlie horse at the inject sit it last about 2-3 days?????

  • #2
    Yup...I had that.


    • #3
      so then this is very normal
      is it because of the gear i`m useing or is it something else


      • #4
        More than likely it's the enanthate. Is it QV?


        • #5
          i dont have pain for 1-2 days then all of a sudden i have this dead pain around the injection site.


          • #6
            Shit, one time I had a buddy stick me too far lateral in my glut, very close to my pelvic bone!!! It didn't hurt at all during injection, but HOLY F*CK, I could N O T walk straight for 2 weeks or so after the next day!! This was with a 1 1/2" pin too, and I don't have big glutes either!!! This was NO regular was horrible :bawl: I could not hide my limp much at all, and had to walk easy and not swing my leg.....I was affraid everyone was gonna start asking questions.
            I was seriously worried into the second week, but I believe another week after that, it finally began healing.

            So, it's not always the gear that does it as far as I'm concerned.....just make sure you (or you injection buddy) always go into the thicker part of your glut and not quite so far lateral :eek:
            FYI, I had him try the more lateral portion of the glut because, like clock-work, it never hurt/burned when I was stuck further out.....he just went a tad too far.


            • #7
              TEST =testovioron pop top
              the pic of my gear is in one of the treads
              eq /test is mine deca is budys


              • #8
                it gets better the more you do.


                • #9
                  gotta be the gear. i have been unable to move for a week because of painful gear(EQL profina, but we dont need to worry about them any more).


                  • #10
                    Sometimes I just get sore for a few days, but on average, I hardly even notice...But I stay away from painful gear!


                    • #11
                      i dont even notice anymore, but the first cycle was a bitch sust


                      • #12
                        Some gear hurts worse than others. Especially if it is from some UG labs because of the quality of oil(impurities) not necessarily the Anabolics but the oil. Just make sure you rub it for a few minutes after inject. I was running a EQ/Test and it hurt like a Bitch. I would rub and then later use a heating pad. Did the trick for me. Some jabs hurt worse than others. I agree w/blkturbo, make sure your jabbin correct. Good luck!


                        • #13
                          Im not nearly as convinced it's "just the gear" since I've had several cycles over the past several years....ALL have been test cycles, and only 1 did I mix in deca with the test.
                          90% of the tests I took (and deca) were cheap Mex gear -----> basically, I was nearly always taking the same shit, but shots were only painful about 50% of the time.......I also mean that even with on specific bottle, it would only be painful roughly 50% of the time. The only thing I seriously noticed as any sort of pattern was that when I was stuck further lateral in the glute, it would hurt less going in, but maybe/would hurt the next day.......then if I was stuck more medially it would burn almost for sure going in, but not so much pain/if any the next day. That was the only true patter I ever noticed. I NEVER had ONE bottle either hurt, or not hurt because of it's contents....I've had pain AND ease with each and every bottle......never pain with one, or no pain with another, always a toss-up for me.
                          I think it depends more on where the gear is stuck and if you happen to hit a more burn-sensitive area of the glute. The rest of the chances I guess are dependant on what you're shooting.......hmmm, who really knows 100% :)

