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first cycle and questions

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  • first cycle and questions

    just took my first needles today for the first time ever! i swear i was like a 5 year old kid on chrismas lol..

    i was just wondering wat your opinion was on using like 10mg/day of tamox to help prevent gyno

    300mg/wk nandrolone
    250mg/wk test E

    also what do you guys think about bromergon (bromocriptine) for anti progesterone?

  • #2
    first cycle would have been perfect at 500mgs of test per week and incase you get estro sides combat it with nolv.

    in your case though, your test dose is low, your deca dose is low and if you get sides you wont know where they are coming from...

    its really not optimal.


    • #3
      I would skip the for this cycle, one shot of it wont really make any difference so you could just cut it out next time. Also, I would go to 400mg of test. I'm not one for really high doses but if you're going to do it you might as well get all of the benefit.

      If you do lave things how they are I would hold off on the Nolva unless you start getting the gyno itchiness.


      • #4
        Originally posted by THE BOUNCER View Post
        first cycle would have been perfect at 500mgs of test per week and incase you get estro sides combat it with nolv.

        in your case though, your test dose is low, your deca dose is low and if you get sides you wont know where they are coming from...

        its really not optimal.

        besides bromo is a shit drug look up the sides.
        Im not a fan of taking extra drugs without even knowing if I need them so IMO no dont take nolva


        • #5
          ass is sore lol
          ok ill cut out the tamox unless i need, ill save it for pct


          • #6
            save it for your pct, if you do get signs of gyno then you could add nolva or get something like liquid exemestane.


            • #7
              Don't use nolva unless you need it.... Also bouncer is right you should have stuck to 400 or 500mg of test alone for first cycle... now I'm sure your not gonna drop the deca so I'm gonna suggest you up your test and leave the deca where it is... Your test dose should always be higher then your deca dose....


              • #8
                the test is just so i dont get deca dick.... im usin the deca to help heal tendonitis, not get bit.... yet lol

