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Duration of cycle

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  • Duration of cycle

    Alright - I've been having a rough go w/some shit in life - but since I got my mind right and school has started, it's been great. The structure helped me treamendously - I wasn't even going to run until school started, but i started up a few weeks - I feel so much better. I know it's a combo of staying away from my demons - but there is no doubt in my mind that the steady dedication to detail and hours it takes to make good gains have been the focal point in my success. Long story short, I could run for another 2 1/2 months - but I'm wondering about giong for a long term cycle. I'm 24 and I was thinking about staying at around 500-600mg test .. I'd prefer prop but depending on other compounds I mix in I might do enth for ease of 5 day shots.

    I'm considering staying on for a solid amount of time 6-8-12 months, taking my time and experimenting with other compounds to see how i react - my doc knows I juice, she kinda noticed lol - and frankly sicne she lets me get bloodworks whenever, I take advantage of this. I'm just curious how you guys feel about these longer cycles. I did a search and I got a ton of different answers. Fact of the matter is simple: without rec drugs - I can afford to devote my life to school and gym, this provoked the idea of giving a long cycle a chance, a chance to check out compounds I always wanted. Thoughts, suggestions, any compounds you'd recommend / or ones to stay away from. Would be appreciated. Right now it's just prop and var @40mg ed - I would LOVE to run my winny but my joints just simply feel like a hospice patience on the shit. I have a good enough access to get most anything, I cannot afford HGH however. Thanks fellas.

  • #2
    Good to hear that bodybuilding is helping to keep you away from the rec drug shit... I've been there bro and I know how that goes...

    Staying on cycle for a lengthy period of time isn't the greatest idea for you if you are planning on making steady gains and trying to go to competition level in my opinion it would be too soon for you to be on gear without coming off for long periods of time... However 3 or 4 month cycles aren't too long and you can get some PCT in for say a month and then go back on and you will have pretty good results...

    What I would recommend as a cycle would depend on your specific goals but I'm a big fan of deca, dbol, and tren for mass building... Not all together tho.


    • #3
      Originally posted by CrankinSteiN View Post
      Good to hear that bodybuilding is helping to keep you away from the rec drug shit... I've been there bro and I know how that goes...

      Staying on cycle for a lengthy period of time isn't the greatest idea for you if you are planning on making steady gains and trying to go to competition level in my opinion it would be too soon for you to be on gear without coming off for long periods of time... However 3 or 4 month cycles aren't too long and you can get some PCT in for say a month and then go back on and you will have pretty good results...

      What I would recommend as a cycle would depend on your specific goals but I'm a big fan of deca, dbol, and tren for mass building... Not all together tho.
      I was thinking of finishing this run out - pct for a month and then go on the classic deca dbol w/some test enth - this would be late spring / early summer, so I'l be big fat n swole hittin the beach :thumup: . After that I was hoping to trying some eq / tren - no orals that time around, since I'll have run 2 in the last year and it's not like I compete. I was thinking tren first since it's active so quickly - then adding EQ after I drop the tren .. finishing out that cycle and then go from there depending on how my body is. Like I said I'll have reg bloodworks done just to be safe, I've had a few weird conditions and I need to make sure I'm safe.

