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Lump in glute 5 days later but not unbearable...

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  • Lump in glute 5 days later but not unbearable...

    Did a glute shot on Sunday, today's Friday....

    Think I hit a vein because when I pulled the pin out, blood ran down my ass cheek and actually dripped on the floor.

    It bruised up pretty good but no big deal. That's happened before.

    Well, it's five days later and I've good a good sized knot in my right glute.

    It's sore and tender but not super swollen and red. and it's doesn't seem too hot to the touch like it's an abscess and I haven't had a fever so I don't think it's infected either.

    I've been hitting 300mg/ml test ent. and this was about a 1.5 ml shot. I know I'm probably just being paranoid because I've had small knots before, but it usually goes away by now....

    I didn't aspirate and now I will def do it from now on.....
    any ideas brothers?????

  • #2
    always asperate, although asperating wont cause a lump. if your in a vein and inject you will think you are gonna die. going threw or nicking a vein happens and dont worrie about that blood that driped out.

    I am willing to bet you either just poked a bad spot or you were tence when sticking the pin in. either way if its not red and not hot you are fine


    • #3
      Originally posted by ROCKETW19 View Post
      always asperate, although asperating wont cause a lump. if your in a vein and inject you will think you are gonna die. going threw or nicking a vein happens and dont worrie about that blood that driped out.

      I am willing to bet you either just poked a bad spot or you were tence when sticking the pin in. either way if its not red and not hot you are fine
      Thx brotha, I've got a hold of some dirty gear one time and my whole quad was red, swollen and really hot.... I just had my girlfriend feel it and it was warm but just like the rest of me....

      thanx for the reply... makes me feel a lot better...


      • #4
        no need to worry, I have seen knots for days without any long as its not warm to touch(it will be noticeably hotter) and isnt red you should be fine, and a heating pad and massaging it would help dissipate


        • #5
          Originally posted by al the chemist View Post
          no need to worry, I have seen knots for days without any long as its not warm to touch(it will be noticeably hotter) and isnt red you should be fine, and a heating pad and massaging it would help dissipate


          • #6
            I personally prefer quads - but w/lower body shots I have a massager and I make sure to do lunges and go for a brisk walk - the next day might be a little sore but I don't knot up at all anymore.


            • #7
              you might have hit some old scar tissue or like they said,hit a tender spot


              • #8
                One of sonis' clients just went to the er yesterday for an infected shot spot in his shoulder and glute...stupid ass can't stick himself. Er determined he has a staph infection!! They took blood from his arm, and that's all bruised up, and he can't lift his shoulder above his head- AND he's suiposed to compete this weekend to qualify for north Americans. Doesn't look like that's gonna happen now.

                So, just watch the spot. :)


                • #9
                  Originally posted by redsquirrel View Post
                  One of sonis' clients just went to the er yesterday for an infected shot spot in his shoulder and glute...stupid ass can't stick himself. Er determined he has a staph infection!! They took blood from his arm, and that's all bruised up, and he can't lift his shoulder above his head- AND he's suiposed to compete this weekend to qualify for north Americans. Doesn't look like that's gonna happen now.

                  So, just watch the spot. :)
                  how the hell did he pull that !? Did he like wet the pin and leave it in the everglades overnight and then stick himself lol ?


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by the art of war View Post
                    how the hell did he pull that !? Did he like wet the pin and leave it in the everglades overnight and then stick himself lol ?
                    Either that, or he stores the pins in his full trash can & drug them on the floor right before he injected. Who the f knows- this guy is a total head case.


                    • #11
                      unreal lol, I can't imagine that - my buddy will get "lazy" and re-use plungers.. im like you have got to be kidding me... you spend 500$ for a summer cycle and 20 bucks a training session with the coach and you skimp on fucking plungers? Some people are out of there trees.


                      • #12
                        I got staph from some bad mexican test blend 250 mg,my hand swoll up to the size of a baseball glove and they wanted to take my hand off,luckily i recovered and wont touch that SHIT again......

