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When to go back on?

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  • When to go back on?

    I did a cruise and blast for about a yr. I wanted to try a longer run. How long should I wait to go back on? Its been about 3 months. I know usually its time on = time off. I dont think I need to wait a yr to go back on?

  • #2
    "about 3 months" means its been 2 and half months since you went off. lol

    wait a true 5 months.


    • #3
      Depends on your age


      • #4
        yes bouncer is correct and that depends on age like Mr I asked. if you are old like me fuck never come off whats the point but if you are a young buck and still have normal system then do as B said


        • #5
          What are you trying to do Jack?

          There are pro's and con's to both...


          • #6
            Originally posted by THE BOUNCER View Post
            "about 3 months" means its been 2 and half months since you went off. lol

            wait a true 5 months.
            haha your right! I didnt include PCT. Thanks Ill wait.
            Also I was told its a good idea to give blood so your body is forced to make "new" blood - Lowers RBC, Hemorit levels, etc. Ever heard of that?


            • #7
              Originally posted by Mr incredible View Post
              Depends on your age
              I'm old mid 30's


              • #8
                Originally posted by GrowthMan View Post
                What are you trying to do Jack?

                There are pro's and con's to both...
                I ran a long cycle b/c I wanted to see if i made and kept better gains. The cruise I used HRT dosages. I think I did well but i dont plan on ever doing that again.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by rado
                  6 months at least...I've done 2.5yrs and almost 1.5yrs's NOT that bad...Keep eating, training hard and you'll feel great.

                  Getting past the 1st 2 months is brutal IMO.
                  thanks bro
                  I needed to hear that cuz i was getting a little depressed. I keep all my strength but my bf dropped so rapidly (water) i feel small. everyones telling me i look great but i feel like i look like complete shit LOL.


                  • #10
                    bout 4 months bro or just stay on a low dose of test like hrt dosage.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by jack tors View Post
                      I did a cruise and blast for about a yr. I wanted to try a longer run. How long should I wait to go back on? Its been about 3 months. I know usually its time on = time off. I dont think I need to wait a yr to go back on?
                      What were your dosages?

                      I am thinking of doing the same sort of thing, but only for 26 weeks. 5 of those being the blast.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Turbo3000 View Post
                        What were your dosages?

                        I am thinking of doing the same sort of thing, but only for 26 weeks. 5 of those being the blast.
                        blast = 500 - 600mg of test (enanth, cyp, prop, sometimes sust) pw; also stacked with moderate dosages of either mast, tren, eq, or deca.

                        cruise = trt dosages so 250mg of test either enanth, cyp, or sus pw; towards the end i found 250 every 2 weeks was enough to maintain and cruise. i also wanted to tamper down b4 coming off.

                        no orals, no alchol, lots of water. i ran some HCG 3 times during the cycle for several weeks - mid, late (2x a week about 250ius) and just b4 PCT (500 ius eod 10 days after last shot of test - HCG blast to prep the boys for test production). it wsa fun my dick and balls got huge and was a porn star in the bedroom but besides that not sure if it really helped. i would run it if you can for this reason a few guys on another board got fucked cuz the brain hypothamus stopped thinking it needed to make test so even after PCT test levels were shot. the hcg will continue to tell the brain it needs to make test but testes wont product test b cuz of foreign test source. it doesnt keep your natty test levels up but makes your brain think things are normal. i butchered it but you get the point. for PCT did a longer run which i think was needed (6 weeks!) i gotta give the credit to the clomid.


                        • #13
                          HCG is FILT! no need for it.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by jack tors View Post
                            blast = 500 - 600mg of test (enanth, cyp, prop, sometimes sust) pw; also stacked with moderate dosages of either mast, tren, eq, or deca.

                            cruise = trt dosages so 250mg of test either enanth, cyp, or sus pw; towards the end i found 250 every 2 weeks was enough to maintain and cruise. i also wanted to tamper down b4 coming off.

                            no orals, no alchol, lots of water. i ran some HCG 3 times during the cycle for several weeks - mid, late (2x a week about 250ius) and just b4 PCT (500 ius eod 10 days after last shot of test - HCG blast to prep the boys for test production). it wsa fun my dick and balls got huge and was a porn star in the bedroom but besides that not sure if it really helped. i would run it if you can for this reason a few guys on another board got fucked cuz the brain hypothamus stopped thinking it needed to make test so even after PCT test levels were shot. the hcg will continue to tell the brain it needs to make test but testes wont product test b cuz of foreign test source. it doesnt keep your natty test levels up but makes your brain think things are normal. i butchered it but you get the point. for PCT did a longer run which i think was needed (6 weeks!) i gotta give the credit to the clomid.
                            250mg test every 2 weeks on cruise to maintain? That seems low..


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by dago View Post
                              250mg test every 2 weeks on cruise to maintain? That seems low..
                              i was surprised too but thats an actual trt dosage 200-250 2 x a month... of coarse every person is diff.

