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Oral winstrol dosing

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  • Oral winstrol dosing

    Does oral winstrol still have the 48 hr life like the inject version or does it break down faster and have to be split up through out the day like dbol? I dropped the tren/eq outta my cycle well 8 days so its not outta my system all the way. I just did 375mg test-e today thats it from here on out through the cycle although after I get myself back under control I thought about adding a small dose of winny maybe 25mg or 50mg a day starting july 1st if i'm feeling better mentally/emotionally. I never used the oral only the liquid so didn't know exactly how to use. Thanks

  • #2
    I've always ran 50-100mg/day. I'm not a big fan.


    • #3
      Originally posted by GrowthMan View Post
      I've always ran 50-100mg/day. I'm not a big fan.
      I know a lot of people aren't but I always got great results with no sides at all. People react different to different types of gear like I cannot handle this tren at all so Ima just go back to what I was doing before. If its not broke don't fix it :)


      • #4
        Might be a good idea, winny is a anti progestin which is what is giving you those sides.


        • #5
          What was the problem dago?


          • #6
            Originally posted by Mr incredible View Post
            What was the problem dago?
            Not really sure bro I csnt tell if they are boils or just acne some of them are pretty sore 1 on my left trap popped up bout a week ago then started getting smaller ones on my stomach that look more like acne. The one on my trap is almost gone but it was huge. Like I said I dropped the tren/eq and just gonna run the test-e which never gave me any sides at all. Going to the doc either thursday or friday to see whats up.


            • #7
              Originally posted by dago

              Not really sure bro I csnt tell if they are boils or just acne some of them are pretty sore 1 on my left trap popped up bout a week ago then started getting smaller ones on my stomach that look more like acne. The one on my trap is almost gone but it was huge. Like I said I dropped the tren/eq and just gonna run the test-e which never gave me any sides at all. Going to the doc either thursday or friday to see whats up.
              Hormona levels are a mess. No doubt


              • #8
                Originally posted by THE BOUNCER View Post
                Hormona levels are a mess. No doubt
                well i never stacked that many compounds before only my 3rd real cycle at 36 you think that may have something to do with v/s someone who has used more gear over the years?


                • #9
                  Originally posted by dago View Post
                  well i never stacked that many compounds before only my 3rd real cycle at 36 you think that may have something to do with v/s someone who has used more gear over the years?
                  i just think something went wrong with the cycle. you may have gone back on when your estrogen/test ratio was still fucked up. add the progesterone from the tren in a high estro environment and boom crazy sides.


                  • #10
                    Doc said it was a MRSR infection that comes from having an open cut or scrape that comes in contact with some type of bacteria. said it could be anything from an outside plant, tree leaf, or whatever and that it was not that uncommon. Gave me a shot in the ass and some antibiotics I go back in a week for a check up. That hunk of meat on your face you call your nose could be a MRSR infetion B might wanna get that checked out nigga :D


                    • #11
                      Dirty filt


                      • #12
                        Mrsa is a antibiotic resistant form of staph. Docs are quick to diagnose and not have it tested. Mrsa is bad shit and can spread like a mofo. Spread to family, coworkers, at the gym etc and be really hard to shake. If it persists, demand (nicely of coarse) to have it tested so aren't mis diagnosed. It could just be cystic acne from your hormone levels being all over the place, or, could be a boil which is an infected pimple. How's it going now?

                        Oral winni can give you dry, quality gains, and dry your joints out too. I like it but have to drop it about three weeks in because I get too sore. It makes me aggressive sometimes. It can be moderately hepatoxic and I wouldn't go much over say 40-50 mg a day. 1/2 life is around 8 hrs I believe. It's anti estrogenic and anti progesterone to a degree and that's a good thing on several different levels. Give her a try. It's quick in and quick out if it causes any issues. I would get a liver function test before you start to be safe, and I wouldn't drink while on it either.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by dago View Post
                          Does oral winstrol still have the 48 hr life like the inject version or does it break down faster and have to be split up through out the day like dbol? I dropped the tren/eq outta my cycle well 8 days so its not outta my system all the way. I just did 375mg test-e today thats it from here on out through the cycle although after I get myself back under control I thought about adding a small dose of winny maybe 25mg or 50mg a day starting july 1st if i'm feeling better mentally/emotionally. I never used the oral only the liquid so didn't know exactly how to use. Thanks
                          For most men with the oral version you will need to take it daily,,everyday. 50-100mg.

