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Am I too old for the juice?

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  • Am I too old for the juice?

    I'm 36yrs old. Im not ready for TRT 4 life. I would love to but I dont know much about it and worried about sides. I recovered ok but not great from the last run. Feel like I lost a step... maybe overtime it will return.

    If I do run a cycle again I plan to stay away from 19 NOR's Deca and Tren b/c of there suppression of AR (angrogen recepter) and PR (progesteron)200x more suppressive at least what I read.

  • #2
    Nah your not to old. Rado, beast, and a few other come off and they are all your age range.

    Will it be harder for you to recover.. yes it will. Will you take a few steps back when you come off.. yes you will. But that pretty much goes for eveyone. I am 28 and when I came off this last cycle I looked like a little fag compared to when on. Mentally and physically you feel like a bag of shit, thats why i dont wanna come off.

    Screw deca and tren, I cant run em due to sides.

    Run test 500mgs per week and something clean like primo or masteron that will pull the cycle togather.


    • #3
      I'm 42 and been on for 1.5 years of moderate dosages. Mostly test and eq, with oral winni and a few others. No crazy dosages, 7-800mg test and eq. I plan to come off for a long break this winter. I have been running HCG the whole time at 250iu every third or fourth day and don't have any atrophy down there that I can tell. Maybe even extra. I hope that helps me recover, but I know I will lose ten pounds of muscle the first six weeks. If I don't I will be surprised.your body just can't build that kind of muscle or produce that much juice on it's own no matter how well you recover. I've done alot of juice over the years, and sometimes feel like a dam pin cusion.:retard:

      With that said, I know what's coming. Lost size and strength. I will try to mentally prepair myself to be human again. It's a matter of being prepared for it. The moodiness and the loss of size that comes with coming off. after being off foe a few months I will begin to evaluate my life off of juice, and decide which road to take. I'm not sure which one I will take, but what I do know is I might have to come to the realization that I need HRT for life. I will be going to see my doctor and have hormone panels galore drawn to help me make my decision. The great thing about this site and others like it (this ones my fav) is you cam ask questions and get real answers from people who know what the fuck is going on. More so than most Dr's, not to say Dr's don't know their shit, they do, most of them don't know shit about juice:agreed:

      Back in the early 90's there was no Internet to speak of. Remember windows 95?:tired: now you are just a google search away from the answer.


      • #4
        There's no age issue, if you were 65 then maybe but then look at robby robinson the guy is natural. Go on, use test and primo like bouncer says. Come off, run nolva for a month, up doses of zinc, vit e. you won't be quite as strong and pumped but you can do other stuff


        • #5
          Originally posted by Mr incredible View Post
          There's no age issue, if you were 65 then maybe but then look at robby robinson the guy is natural. Go on, use test and primo like bouncer says. Come off, run nolva for a month, up doses of zinc, vit e. you won't be quite as strong and pumped but you can do other stuff
          Or, maybe there are some old cybergenic kits laying around you can use. If you aren't zinc deficient that ain't gonna do shit either. Just be prepared. Your HPTA is delicate, fragile. There is a good possibility alot of us will be on HRT forever. Your doctor won't say no if you're low, unless it is detrimental to your health. You aren't drinking cool aid here. You are using supralogical amounts of real drugs that will fuck shit up. Mentally and physically. Anyone who has done them and gained know the physcological edge of looking bigger, faster stronger.


          • #6
            Originally posted by crossconnect View Post
            Or, maybe there are some old cybergenic kits laying around you can use. If you aren't zinc deficient that ain't gonna do shit either. Just be prepared. Your HPTA is delicate, fragile. There is a good possibility alot of us will be on HRT forever. Your doctor won't say no if you're low, unless it is detrimental to your health. You aren't drinking cool aid here. You are using supralogical amounts of real drugs that will fuck shit up. Mentally and physically. Anyone who has done them and gained know the physcological edge of looking bigger, faster stronger.
            We don't need a lesson that steroids work.

            Zinc increases natty test, fact.

            No reason why he shouldn't cycle at his age.


            • #7
              Originally posted by jack tors View Post
              I'm 36yrs old. Im not ready for TRT 4 life. I would love to but I dont know much about it and worried about sides. I recovered ok but not great from the last run. Feel like I lost a step... maybe overtime it will return.

              If I do run a cycle again I plan to stay away from 19 NOR's Deca and Tren b/c of there suppression of AR (angrogen recepter) and PR (progesteron)200x more suppressive at least what I read.
              I think you will be fine age is just a numberits whats in side you that matter. at 25 you could never recover thats just whats in you. you also are smart enough to stay away from the supressive stuff thats half the problem right there.

              Im 44 and I just came off cycle about 6-7 months ago and 6 weeks after last shot my chick was pregnant. Now I am a expert in cycles and pct though(lol)
              I also decided i will never come off again. for the first time in my life off cycle felt like deth. I was fine size wise my dick worked ect but in my head was a mess.
              My plan for life is run 250mgs test per week forever and when ever I feel jumpy I will add in 250more test and something else low dosed like 200mg tren but only 10-12 weeks then back to 250 test again
              GH for life also,lol


              • #8
                My plan is to up the test by 200 mgs per year. Lol


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Mr incredible View Post
                  We don't need a lesson that steroids work.

                  Zinc increases natty test, fact.

                  No reason why he shouldn't cycle at his age.
                  My point wasn't to prove they work. It was to advise people not to take coming off lightly, and the negative side of them mentally and physically when you do. Zinc won't help much there. Actually when you get to middle age is when you will get therapeutic benefits. So yes I agree, do them at age 36 all you want...... Just be ready to hit a brick wall when you taper off (tapering always seemed like a good idea:agreed:)


                  • #10
                    I don't see a problem with running hrt doses and then upping the dose and adding another compound for muscle growth/size. I would think 250mg test would help you maintain inbetween. Say maybe like what B said awhile back 8 months on add some clean mild compounds 4 months hrt dose. Why not?


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by dago View Post
                      I don't see a problem with running hrt doses and then upping the dose and adding another compound for muscle growth/size. I would think 250mg test would help you maintain inbetween. Say maybe like what B said awhile back 8 months on add some clean mild compounds 4 months hrt dose. Why not?
                      only thing wrong with that at 36 he could take a chance of messing his natty system forever. if he is having hard time now 8 month cycle will be ruff to recover


                      • #12
                        I dont think B is gonna come off anymore. I know I aint,lol but I am old and have to many damn kids anyways


                        • #13
                          Just Right

                          Hi Guys. It's been a while since I've posted here. Earlier,I was doing emails and I began thinking about a bodybuilding forum that I signed on to four or five years ago. What is that name?
                          Good to be back!
                          Last year while going through a routine examination at the urology clinic, a doctor asked me was I taking steroids and I told him the truth. Testosterone was over 1,500ng/dl. He thought that I was sharing needles with "My Buddies" and immediately asked me to pledge allegiance to him if I would stop and that he'd put me on TRT for life. I agreed.
                          My prescribed dose is 300mg. every two weeks.

                          Which ain't doing jack sh#t for me so I supplemented that with another 500gm/ml more of testosterone e from E. P. and 500mg/ml. of Super Test 450 every ten days and I've never felt better.

                          I have deca, test e, super test, dianabol, turinabol, winstrol, anavar, and anadrol which some drunken idiot ordered.

                          I'll find someways to put this stuff to good use.
                          Last edited by Qwai Chang; 06-20-12, 03:59 AM. Reason: errors


                          • #14
                            All this discussion goes back to what I was asking a few weeks ago about my age would it be worth it.....hummmmm


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by dago View Post
                              I don't see a problem with running hrt doses and then upping the dose and adding another compound for muscle growth/size. I would think 250mg test would help you maintain inbetween. Say maybe like what B said awhile back 8 months on add some clean mild compounds 4 months hrt dose. Why not?
                              250mg of test only per week would be more than enough to feel normal. A healthy tong adult male produces less than 10mg a day, right. It's probably what I will do after I come off everything and detox for at least three months. I will be going to the doctor to have various blood work done before I move forward. Then it's blast and cruise for the next year or more, depending on how I feel and what my blood work tells me. I not only will be looking at my heart and liver, I will be focusing on my kidneys too.

