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  • HGH

    Saw this on bolex, thought it was a good idea.

    Seeing as there is always an interest and thurst for knowledge for the proper/safe and effective use of GH...

    Lets get the ultimate GH thread rolling.

    If you have not used gh, do not comment. If you have researched and studied its use, still do not comment.

    What I would like to see, and to provide the best "real world" information to our members..... is info from gh experienced users.

    Tell us:
    How many days per week you shot
    How many times per day you shot
    The amounts you used per shot
    the duration of the cycle
    The other supplements you used while on GH
    The mg amounts of other supps
    How you felt while on
    how your body responded short and long term
    Positive and negative sides, short and long term
    Was it worth it
    would you do it again
    How old you were while on

  • #2
    Im on 5iu per day (Serostim), 7 days a week and loving it. I feel strong and stay lean and pumped for the majority of the day. I tried 5 on 2 off for two months and now have switched to 7 days a week with much better results. I take 2.5iu first thing in the morning and 2.5iu at 1:00pm before I work out. This way my body still produces natural GH while I sleep.

    Im also on 750mgs of Sust,1200mgs of EQ, and I just started 50mg ed of Anavar.

    Im not gaining huge amounts of weight, but my goal is not to gain weight, I am trying to stay lean and hard for the summer.

    GH takes a while to start working, but I am now on my third kit and loving it. I strongly reccomend GH to those who can afford it and other sups at the same time. My original goal was to stay on GH for 6-8 months or until I feel comfortable stepping on stage, but now I dont ever want to stop, the way it makes me feel is well worth the money.

    GH will transform your body.


    • #3
      Originally posted by B-Lean

      GH will transform your body.
      hehe, best quote ever


      • #4
        Come on guys, let me here some feedback.


        • #5
          you told me I could'nt yet , LOL


          • #6

            I am going on 7 months and I love the shit as well. Unless I grow another finger or some shit I wont come off it either...I very the dose do to cash flow but, its never below 4ius daily....If you cant afford to do it for 6 months dont waste your time. :dumbass:


            • #7
              I started using GH in the summer of 2000. Not too far from me is a methadone/AIDS clinic where they get there meds and what not, since most of these guys werent really concerned with living, and more concerned with getting high the sold their GH relativly cheap. Since I wasnt 100% sure what I was doing with it, I used 3 kits(one a month) was dissapointed and decided that I really need more info on this before another try.

              The next mission began early in 2001, using Jintropin, now I knew that GH alone wouldnt do a damn thing for me, and at my age, 23 at the time, I needed longer time on, then people twice my age. The jin cycle ran for about 6 months, it included cyp, deca, eq, and fina, halo and winny, it was one of the heaviest cycles I ever ran, and got my bodyweight up to 276, and my bodyfat down to 8% by June, I had never looked or felt better in my life....Soon after the summer had ended, changes in my life beganm to occur, so my training and daily rountines were suffering due to a mental state of sever depression, losing my job, and my girlfriend, and apartment all in one fail swoop...I returned to my demons(cocaine especially) and slowly destroyed what I worked so hard to build.

              This pattern of destructtion continued until 2002, until I went too far and woke up in a hospital, attached to a million different things not knowing that I had OD'd...this was the breaking point again for me and that it was time to do something again.

              GH does have some rejuvenation properties, hell thats why its so damn expensive if you attempt to purchase from these longevity clinics. Slowly I feel the GH began to repair what I broke down in my body. My skin tone seemed better, my hair wasnt as fine anymore, my troubles sleeping stopped, my getting so sick so easily all the time also seemed to stop, but it wasnt the GH alone again, it was combined with a health diet and not really training, it was the way I turned my life around with the help of friends others and breaking my ass to get back on track with work and a personal life.

              Now heres what you wanna know about GH, its half life is about 7hrs roughly, with its highest spike of release somewhere between 45-90 minutes after injection, this is why shootintg more than once a day is very beneficial. I was using at some points 8iu a day, the 6, then 4, but they were all broken up, at least 3 shots per day, and they were all SC injects, no IM, as the protien absorption rate wont be the same. Its effects arent drastic, but subtle and very noticable, but if you believe that it will help you overnight, use something else, this is a drug that needs months and months of use, and proper care or else you are throwing money right out the damn window.

              The pros and cons, well, GH gets you into a state of REM for much longer, so expect some very wildly vivid and realistic dreams, but a much deeper and refreshing sleep. Dont think that 8iu or more is what you need, start slow, 3-4iu a day is good enough majority of the time, you arent using this to grow, you are using this to redifine the bodies internal structure, and health. Common sides are generally a feeling of numbness and discomfort, generally in the hands, when that begins, your dose is too high and you need to cut back, lastly if you cant afford to run it for 6 months or longer dont waste the money. Dont buy one kit, "just to see what its like" you arent gonna see a damn thing.

              Be sure that when purchasing, especially through the channels we go through to obtain this, that the person is reliable, and he keeps his product cold, the ONLY GH that doesnt need to be kept cold is Serostim, as they(Serono) hold a special patent that can keep the cells at room temp without damaging them, but it must be kept cold after reconstitution.

              Last but not least the brands Ive come across, are Jintropin, Serostim(hologrammed, and the export kits) and Somaject.
              The cycle that was ran when I hit 276lbs was ran for 20 weeks
              1500 cyp and prop
              600 deca
              600 eq
              100 mg fina ed
              8 weeks of winny 50 mg ed
              4 weeks of halo 25mgs ed
              along with 1.5mg of adex ed

              Hope that helps everyone a lil....


              • #8
                Originally posted by Doom
                I started using GH in the summer of 2000. Not too far from me is a methadone/AIDS clinic where they get there meds and what not, since most of these guys werent really concerned with living, and more concerned with getting high the sold their GH relativly cheap. Since I wasnt 100% sure what I was doing with it, I used 3 kits(one a month) was dissapointed and decided that I really need more info on this before another try.

                The next mission began early in 2001, using Jintropin, now I knew that GH alone wouldnt do a damn thing for me, and at my age, 23 at the time, I needed longer time on, then people twice my age. The jin cycle ran for about 6 months, it included cyp, deca, eq, and fina, halo and winny, it was one of the heaviest cycles I ever ran, and got my bodyweight up to 276, and my bodyfat down to 8% by June, I had never looked or felt better in my life....Soon after the summer had ended, changes in my life beganm to occur, so my training and daily rountines were suffering due to a mental state of sever depression, losing my job, and my girlfriend, and apartment all in one fail swoop...I returned to my demons(cocaine especially) and slowly destroyed what I worked so hard to build.

                This pattern of destructtion continued until 2002, until I went too far and woke up in a hospital, attached to a million different things not knowing that I had OD'd...this was the breaking point again for me and that it was time to do something again.

                GH does have some rejuvenation properties, hell thats why its so damn expensive if you attempt to purchase from these longevity clinics. Slowly I feel the GH began to repair what I broke down in my body. My skin tone seemed better, my hair wasnt as fine anymore, my troubles sleeping stopped, my getting so sick so easily all the time also seemed to stop, but it wasnt the GH alone again, it was combined with a health diet and not really training, it was the way I turned my life around with the help of friends others and breaking my ass to get back on track with work and a personal life.

                Now heres what you wanna know about GH, its half life is about 7hrs roughly, with its highest spike of release somewhere between 45-90 minutes after injection, this is why shootintg more than once a day is very beneficial. I was using at some points 8iu a day, the 6, then 4, but they were all broken up, at least 3 shots per day, and they were all SC injects, no IM, as the protien absorption rate wont be the same. Its effects arent drastic, but subtle and very noticable, but if you believe that it will help you overnight, use something else, this is a drug that needs months and months of use, and proper care or else you are throwing money right out the damn window.

                The pros and cons, well, GH gets you into a state of REM for much longer, so expect some very wildly vivid and realistic dreams, but a much deeper and refreshing sleep. Dont think that 8iu or more is what you need, start slow, 3-4iu a day is good enough majority of the time, you arent using this to grow, you are using this to redifine the bodies internal structure, and health. Common sides are generally a feeling of numbness and discomfort, generally in the hands, when that begins, your dose is too high and you need to cut back, lastly if you cant afford to run it for 6 months or longer dont waste the money. Dont buy one kit, "just to see what its like" you arent gonna see a damn thing.

                Be sure that when purchasing, especially through the channels we go through to obtain this, that the person is reliable, and he keeps his product cold, the ONLY GH that doesnt need to be kept cold is Serostim, as they(Serono) hold a special patent that can keep the cells at room temp without damaging them, but it must be kept cold after reconstitution.

                Last but not least the brands Ive come across, are Jintropin, Serostim(hologrammed, and the export kits) and Somaject.
                The cycle that was ran when I hit 276lbs was ran for 20 weeks
                1500 cyp and prop
                600 deca
                600 eq
                100 mg fina ed
                8 weeks of winny 50 mg ed
                4 weeks of halo 25mgs ed
                along with 1.5mg of adex ed

                Hope that helps everyone a lil....
                helluva post doom. thats what im looking for!!!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Hardbodygrl
                  Let me tell ya the pain and numbness in the hands is NOT a pleasent feeling!!!! Im on 2ius a day of Jino, and this is the only gh that has ever done this to me. I used jino before with the same problem.. Wakes me up at night, and is very painful the first half of the day ;(
                  HBG you must be hypersensitive to GH, if the numbness is that bad, cut your dose down, it will be better for you in the long run


                  • #10
                    Ran 2 iu's of Serona for 7 months, no AS.

                    Gained five kept pounds.

                    First two months great, did get numbness in hands, intermitently about week 3 for 1 week. After that slowly started to feel lethargic, just plain ass tired, even after a nights sleep, work out in the AM and sometimes would have to sleep for 45 min. just to get energy to go to work.

                    Worked with a doctor on this and after 3 months or so of not solving the tiredness, so got off.

                    Of course then found out T-3 usually cures that. Just that in a few folks it causes insulin problems.

                    I expereinced no fat loss.

                    It did work my IGF-1 levels went from 155 to 305 and settled at 270 over first 4 months.

                    Defitely do it again.

                    Hoped That Helped


                    • #11
                      i can relate,begar running serostim in march,4ius right off the batt ,3 weks in got terrible numbness in the fngers and arms ,and agood bit of carpal tunnel ,backed down to 3 and was ok form then i guess its some sort of allergic reaction ur body has at first on exogenous GH then u get use to it no problems ,climbed bck up to 4 again ,now ive swuched to jintrpoin ,few weeks back im liking it ,it takes a good 2 months to notice anychange i belive ,skin tone does achange a bit ,blemishes are gone ,creaking of elbows is gone,right now i feel it its in full force to tell ya the truth ,all of the sudden my appeitite is crazy ,sleep is better ,my reecoop time is insane .and i think im aliyttle more stable upstairs ,helps alot when on fina ,running tren enenthate ,cyp, masteron ,anavr ,14 weeks in commin of in 3 weeks ,continuing GH till spring ,and goona thrwo slin in aswell when im off .


                      • #12
                        bump, good info!!


                        • #13
                          A few points you guys mentioned that I forgot to add, T3 is more a less a must as GH surpresses thyroid function, GH does make the majority feel lethargic, due to that fact. Injections can be done just about anywhere you can get a good pinch of skin, rotating is importnat so you dont create dimples(localized areas of fat depletion) Numbness is going to occur in just about everyone, but it usuall eases up after time, if it doesnt than your doses are too high...if I think of anything else I will put it on up


                          • #14
                            It is my favorite compound..

                            I have used serostim, nutropin green tops and blue tops, jintropin, generics, kigtropin.

                            Never went over 5iu/day with the serostim/nutropin/jintropin from prior to 2006.

                            Generics and Kigtropin I've gone up to 10iu/day with a noticeable change but not as significant as the old days.

                            Used mostly all aas with and without gh and I have found that gh is like putting a turbo on your cycle imo.

                            I am tempted to try this next time to see if any better than kigtropin (which I like but do not love)


                            • #15
                              Way to bring back a old thread Groth,lol
                              If you do use that keep us posted as I never seen that before and am curious what you think of it compared to KIGs or Rips.

