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DHT-derived steroids are not so bad for hair loss?

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  • DHT-derived steroids are not so bad for hair loss?

    In the recent MD magazine William Llewellyn's article talked about Myths and Misconceptions. In it he stated...

    Even though the examples in this article are given to no specific order, this one probably should have been put on top of the list, as it is one of the most persistent misconceptions in the world of steroids. It seems that once the term "DHT derivative" started popping up, people immediatley started attaching the words "hair loss" to any steroid identified as such. This is a misconception, and a big fat one at that. For starters, you need to know that the most problematic steroids in terms of hair loss are the testosterone derivatives, not DHT-derived compounds. This is because testosterone is open to enzyme potentiation in various "androgen responsive" tissues (like the scalp), by its local coversion to a stronger "dihydro" analog (DHT). If a steroid is a DHT-based compound to begin with, it is already in a "dihydro" form and cannot be converted to a stronger steroid in an area of the body like this. Just look at the popular DHT-derived steroids. This list includes drugs like Primobolan, Winstrol and Anavar. These steroids can trigger hair loss, as all steroids can, but they are most certainley not known to be the most problematic in this regard.~
    Im not sure what my question is. But I would like to hear other opinions and facts regarding this.

    I do have MPB which I am combating right now. And its working. As much as I planned and prepared to fight MPB over the past two years, I have also prepared to combat a weight lifting "plateau" problem I have always encountered whilest training.

    So now as I lay the ground work I was looking to take a road with the least amount of repercussions on my hair line. But, I am willing to shed some hair to reach my goals if I must. Hopefully I wont have to, however.

    I was just hoping to get some feedback on this article and peoples experiences. I have done a fair amount of research, but had always thought I would be avoiding DHT based products.

    Now this comes up and its making me re-think. :idea:

  • #2
    Winstrol was horrid on my hair.


    • #3
      Originally posted by prolangtum
      Winstrol was horrid on my hair.
      Thats exactly the kind of feedabck Im looking for. Well not exactly, it would have been better had you never had any problems at all prolangtum. What about other DHT based products, any experience with those with no effects on the hair?


      • #4
        The combo of fina and winny, thinned my hair to a horrible degree...this is after several yrs of use though

        In all likely hood, one cycle isnt gonna kill ur hair, but repeated use is gonna damage it one way or another


        • #5
          deca did nothing, dbol did nothing, test did notihng, eq did nothing, tren killed my hair...


          • #6
            I always use Finasteride whether on or off-cycle, but here is my experience:

            * Test - no effect on hair (probably countered by Finasteride)
            * Winstrol - no effect
            * Anadrol - no effect
            * Equipoise - no effect
            * Primobolan - no effect
            * Trenbolone - some thinning but only if I run a higher dose (like 100mg ED); I use 100mg EOD and there is no noticeable effect.



            • #7
              i am doomed to be bald.

              test - not so bad
              dbol - falling out by the handfull
              winny - falling out a little
              fina - same thing

              dbol wrecked my hairline. i would wake up in the morning and my pillow would be covered.


              • #8
                Hair loss is an androgenic side, PERIOD. The more androgenic the AS, the more hairloss is likely to be a problem.

                I would like to see the author of that article inject himself with DHT every day and then tell me it isn't worse than any other AS in this regard. Bullshit; DHT is hard on the hair because it is 10 times as androgenic as test. Some DHT analogs, like proviron, are not terribly androgenic. the 1-methyl group in proviron greatly reduces its androgenicity.

                BTW, primobolin is NOT a DHT analog as it isn't saturated (no double bonds) like DHT. It has a 1,2 double bond. I guess one could label it a DHB (dihydroboldenone) or 1-test derivative.


                • #9
                  As for personal experience. I saw some hairloss with tren/test prop combos. I haven't done either one alone so I don't know which was at fault (or if they both were). I haven't done winny so I can't comment on it. I am currently 8 weeks into a bodenone cyp cycle (400 mg ew) and I don't think I have lost any hair yet.


                  • #10
                    test used moderate dosages with finasteride should be no problem. Also winstrol I don't think is bad on hair loss. Reasoning is that women can use it so it must not be very androgenic.


                    • #11
                      Thanks guys.

                      I look to be avoiding Fina/Tren and Winny for sure, Doom and Loco. Turtle Id rather not reason/guess as to the exactly why winny may/may not rip up the hair line. If it causes a light amount of loss then it still remains a possible choice. But it seems a frequent denominator to bad hair loss in some.

                      -drgood-, I am also taking finasteride. So hopefully it will assist me as well when the time comes. I thought for sure Test would hit the hairline. One reason being that it could become dht.

                      -goliath-, Could you elaborate on the dbol use? I was thinking dbol was a possibility. Please.

                      -spidey-, "androgenicity" is assuredly a concern when talking about hairloss and AS. But you seem to agree with with the article when you stated "Some DHT analogs, like proviron are not terribly androgenic." ?? Thus, dht based AS that are not overly androgenic might not be as bad as everyone assumes they are just because the word 'dht' is atatched to the subject matter?


                      • #12
                        The fact that testosterone cause hairloss through conversion to dht, makes it that much easier to combat with finasteride. The other drugs are usually much harder to combat. A LOT of people have problems with hairloss on winny and anavar. If hair loss is an issue I would stay away from both.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by turtle
                          test used moderate dosages with finasteride should be no problem. Also winstrol I don't think is bad on hair loss. Reasoning is that women can use it so it must not be very androgenic.

                          winstrol is very androgenic and is the only gear i have tried that wrecked my hair. as for women it can cause virilization like any other androgen. women use prop too. its all about dose and frequency of injection.

