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Winter cycles / Goals

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  • Winter cycles / Goals

    Anyone have anything planned? I am just staying on my current 500mgs of test per week and 4iu gh per day. Dont plan on bulking or anything like that. I seem to train better, train harder, and just feel better at a low bodyfat. Not competition shredded but something like the look of 4-6 weeks out from a competition.

    So lets have it, goals, plans, cycles?

  • #2
    Goals plans cycles for me are to stay small and lean. Maybe a shot or two of test per week just to stay strong in the gym and keep lead in my pencil etc


    • #3
      going for 270 as soon as I go to the gym,lol


      • #4
        Originally posted by ROCKETW19 View Post
        going for 270 as soon as I go to the gym,lol
        not lifting, eating junk, having a baby, what a combo.

        least your scale says 270 bro!!!


        • #5
          gonna run 250mg test-e like I have been doing. I had blood work done yesterday labs will be back this morning wanted to see if I was ok from the orals and tren I used over the summer. Everything comes back ok ima kick start with sust 300mg and 1ml test-e so total 550mg test weekly and add 300mg tren-e weekly. and 10mg nolva a dsy while on


          • #6
            Originally posted by THE BOUNCER View Post
            not lifting, eating junk, having a baby, what a combo.

            least your scale says 270 bro!!!

            you dont know the half of it bro! I am leaner than last pic I showed you but thats cuz i dont even eat anymore. 3 timers a day is all I eat,lol I work out maybe 2 times a week. I really just try to hit legs at least 1 time per week so I dont looses. but then even when I do I just go threw motions.

            I need something different and I need it now. I think you are right I need to goto gym where people are ect get me motivated.


            • #7
              well of course you wanna go to the gym where all the socker moms can look at ya bro :rofl:


              • #8
                started planning for a winter cycle to start mid-november. Looking for solid muscle with some obvious water. Going with 750mg test E and 600mg EQ per week for 12-14 weeks...may lower the test to 500.still considering my options. Gonna eat big and clean.Dont have my diet plan in concrete yet. Thinking of the low carb (45% protein,45% fats,10% carbs) during week, carb up on the weekend.

                My biggest concern was that gyno popped up at the end of my last cycle and had to get on the nolva to get rid of it. Not sure what a good strategy would be to prevent this coming up. I know 20 of nolva a day would keep it away but how much would that slow my growth? Any insight would be great. I have letro and nolva on hand


                • #9
                  I'm doing what growth is. Except that I'm already small.

