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Bouncers Gena-Pharm Test E Log

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  • #46
    Originally posted by THE BOUNCER View Post
    So there are some that are saying that it may be under-dosed, others saying its good to go with blood work results etc..

    I figured what better way then the famous bouncer log! :D

    Right now im using VIG Pharm, private ug lab. Been on it for about a month after switching from sust I was on. So far so good, running it at 500mgs per week, its good shit and I know what good shit looks and feels like.

    This is what I will be comparing the Gena to. If i notice any change at all when I switch brands then I will know something is wrong or its underdosed. If nothing changes and I still feel great, sex drive stays high, have to use nolv at 10mg per day like i do not to keep gyno away etc.. then I will know it is what it claims.

    Not scientific in any sense I realize but I know my body better then anyone, my bodyfat is low enough that i see changes in muscle shape and size very fast, and I am more consistant then anyone. I do and eat the same shit at the same exact time every single day without fail.

    I have nothing to gain or lose, if the gena is shit I will say so. As of right now, the VIG is good shit.


    End result was that while both brands worked as they should, the VIG had a bit more pain and discomfort a few days after the shots. Got a few good sized lumps. So for that reason alone I would give the nod to the gena over the VIG.

