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  • tbol?

    Is this something a woman can consider using? I've heard it's better than anavar.

  • #2
    nope only use var and low dose at that. you dont want any androgenic drug
    even with var you taking a chance of coarse the lower dose you take the less chance but Tbol no way to risky IMO

    but for someone to say Tbol is better than var is silly the statement is to wide. is tbol better than anavar for a women hell no is tbol gonna put more size on a man than anavar probably


    • #3
      I don't know anything about tbol but I would question why you would want to use any AAS. The last update you gave on here was that you were just doing cardio and your diet wasnt as good as it should be.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Alina View Post
        Is this something a woman can consider using? I've heard it's better than anavar.
        Seriously it depends on what the lady in question is trying to do. For the average lady or bikini/fitness girl I think TBOL is too strong.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Alin View Post
          Seriously it depends on what the lady in question is trying to do. For the average lady or bikini/fitness girl I think TBOL is too strong.
          yes good point!

          if you wanna be a body builder freak that looks like a guy then use Tbol or fuck it use anadrol

          I am pretty sure you want to be a woman with a nice body that shit is to risky IMO for a girl


          • #6
            The important question was already asked - why?

            Secondly, who is telling you it's "better than anavar"? A male? A female that has something you desire?

            And lastly, I HAVE taken it. It made me very strong, and put some weight on me - mostly water, but definite muscle, too. I don't think that's exactly what you had in mind.

            I would very seriously consider diet before anything else. I know you've said all you eat is Lean Cuisine, etc. You need to change that before you add any other chemicals, IMO.


            • #7
              I loved tbol. Made my ankles swell up though.


              • #8
                I see people always saying Tbol is a cheap version of anavar. I've never tried it but hear its good (for men at least).


                • #9
                  Originally posted by FrankTheTank55 View Post
                  I see people always saying Tbol is a cheap version of anavar. I've never tried it but hear its good (for men at least).
                  most describe it as Bdol without bloat!


                  • #10
                    var at higher dose is better. I also took a tbol/dbol mix made in a UGL it was amazing but id never do that again not a fan of orals. maybe Var again.


                    • #11
                      Would you guys think winstrol would be a better choice than tbol for a female wanting to tone up?


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by FrankTheTank55 View Post
                        Would you guys think winstrol would be a better choice than tbol for a female wanting to tone up?
                        I think if its taken orally at a low dose say 5mg eod its fine for 4-5 weeks. Im not saying any girls should take steriods if I were a chick it would be gh no aas at all. I know 2 girls using winny at the moment one is extremely attractive the other is manly but always had that look to her so..?


                        • #13
                          I work with a ton of athletes who are women. Most deciding to use orals like ANAVAR or WINSTROL can do so with small amounts with good success.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by FrankTheTank55 View Post
                            Would you guys think winstrol would be a better choice than tbol for a female wanting to tone up?
                            yes winny over tbol any day but I would still use Var though.
                            like JackT I am not a oral guy anymore to old for that non sence Ill take my GH and low dose test over any oral,lol


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by jack tors View Post
                              var at higher dose is better. I also took a tbol/dbol mix made in a UGL it was amazing but id never do that again not a fan of orals. maybe Var again.
                              Yea and expensive too.

