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new to hgh

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  • new to hgh

    I got my first kit coming in a week or so. Plan on running 4iu/day.. for those of you guys that have experience with it, how big Of a deal is the distended gut thing. Have you experienced it, or is that something I shouldn't worry about unless I do insane doses?

  • #2
    Nah, that's not a worry. The gut comes from massive amounts of food. The amount of drugs some of those guys are on allows them to eat 4-5 times the normal amount and use all those calories for muscle building purposes. The problem is the sheer volume of that food bloats and gives the appearance of the gut.

    Hope you plan on running more than one kit bro. GH is slow and steady. You wont notice much for awhile.


    • #3
      Thanks bouncer. And ya that first kit is basically a tester to see how legit it is. I should see signs in first week right? ( better sleep, tingling feeling ect).


      • #4
        Maybe not the first week. I usually start noticing around week 3. Increased sweating. Hands swelling a bit etc..


        • #5
          Right on. As soon as/if it works. I'll hurry up and order another 5 kits. I got blue tops comings in now


          • #6
            Let me know how it goes. I wouldn't mind getting back on GH. It's just been so hit or miss lately with even good brands suddenly going to shit that I decided to wait and see if any consistency emerges.


            • #7
              I've read alot about the hit and miss too. Even some of the verification of authenticity number weren't working. hoping I didn't just throw away a couple hundred bucks lol


              • #8
                Yea, there never seems to be a sure fire gaurentee with GH like there used to be.


                • #9
                  When do yall suggest to inject? Seems like alot of different thoughts


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by BamBam179 View Post
                    Right on. As soon as/if it works. I'll hurry up and order another 5 kits. I got blue tops comings in now
                    you wanna be sure go get a IGF test. buying 1 box is not gonna cut it. Im gonna guess you are gonna be very disappointed in the stuff, if you don't get a IGF test
                    GH seurm test is silly to many things can go wrong theres no messing up a IGF test no matter what ya do.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by BamBam179 View Post
                      When do yall suggest to inject? Seems like alot of different thoughts
                      I always injected in morning before a meal. And evening around dinner time.

