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nandrolone phenylpropionate

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  • nandrolone phenylpropionate

    So I'm going to make the switch from tren ace to NPP once my bottle is gone.

    I know you can stack both 19nors together; however I will be making the switch instead since I looked my best on NPP and gave me more size.

    How long should I wait to make the switch? I was thinking a few days to a week?


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  • #2
    Way different compounds so results will be way different as you probably know. Since the tren is ace is just switch immediately. By the time the npp kicks in the tren will be out of your system.


    • #3
      Few days will be fine. How many Mg's of Npp will you be running?


      • #4
        Originally posted by Bouncer View Post
        Way different compounds so results will be way different as you probably know. Since the tren is ace is just switch immediately. By the time the npp kicks in the tren will be out of your system.
        Yea I was in a caloric deficit while running tren, so I got more lean and maintained muscle..

        I started to up my cals again!!

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        • #5
          Originally posted by Backspace7 View Post
          Few days will be fine. How many Mg's of Npp will you be running?
          400 mgs NPP 400mgs prop in the beginning and then I will adjust from there

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          • #6
            Nice I like to run it at 600. I dont get any sides at that dose either. Going to run it with low test next time


            • #7
              Do you think you will get the most out of Npp after running tren? Because tren being so much stronger and your receptors have a heavy tolerance to a 19n. Am I just over thinking this?


              • #8
                Originally posted by Backspace7 View Post
                Do you think you will get the most out of Npp after running tren? Because tren being so much stronger and your receptors have a heavy tolerance to a 19n. Am I just over thinking this?
                I believe I will get the most benefit out of it.. My tren dose is not very high and I was using it on a cut.. Also I have been playing with the dose so I'm about 260mgs per week. Most likely bump it my last 2 weeks... same dosages with mast and test prop as well..

                Npp I will run it much higher with more calories

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                • #9
                  Probably will only run 250 mgs of test

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                  • #10
                    Low test and high npp sounds like a recipe for deca dick. Same compound as deca just a different ester. Personally I feel test deca/npp should be run at 2 to 1 ratio.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by chuckz28 View Post
                      Low test and high npp sounds like a recipe for deca dick. Same compound as deca just a different ester. Personally I feel test deca/npp should be run at 2 to 1 ratio.
                      That's BS and especially with caber e3d

                      I done Npp with less test and no caber and had no problems

                      Everyone reacts different.

                      I ran plenty of cycles without any AI's or Dopamine agonist and never had any problems

                      Why would I want to add more test? Let the nadrolone do it's job.

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                      • #12
                        My personal rule is test at twice the dose of deca to avoid sides. Though I don't use caber so that might change things.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Bouncer View Post
                          My personal rule is test at twice the dose of deca to avoid sides. Though I don't use caber so that might change things.
                          Do you ever sleep brah?...more test equals more estros...

                          1 gram of gear weekly is enough for me.

                          Just as you should run tren higher than test..

                          Try it out

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                          • #14
                            Originally posted by boricuarage79 View Post
                            Do you ever sleep brah?...more test equals more estros...

                            1 gram of gear weekly is enough for me.

                            Just as you should run tren higher than test..

                            Try it out

                            Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
                            Its not even midnight in cali.

                            That's what an AI is for. Keep estro down. Agree on 1 gram of gear being enough. I just seem to be much more sensitive to progesterone than estrogen.

                            I'm extremely sensitive to progesterone based AAS so I like to keep them minimal. Deca I use mainly just for the joint benefits.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Bouncer View Post
                              Its not even midnight in cali.

                              That's what an AI is for. Keep estro down. Though I'm not even close to a gram of test so yea I agree on that. That's more than enough test.

                              I'm extremely sensitive to progesterone based AAS so I like to keep them minimal. Deca I use mainly just for the joint benefits.
                              Ok cali gotcha.

                              It's 9am in germany.

                              Seems like if I go over 750mgs of test even on AI I get unpleasant side effects.

                              Especially BP issues. 500 is the sweet spot for me

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