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First Cycle Opinons

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  • First Cycle Opinons

    Hey How you looking to do my first steriod looking to gain mass, but not an exxcessive amount of fat....I was wondering if any of you experienced members of this forum could give me your recommendations on a good cycle...i have been researching for about a year and i have a good idea of what i might want to take, but more opinons couldn't hurt....Also be sure to include what post cycle things i should take, to try and keep my gains and not suffer from symptoms such as gyno....

    my stats:
    215 pounds
    14% body fat
    no prior steriod us.

    ps: if you need any other information let me know. Thank you for your time. i appreciate it

  • #2
    A simple test deca or eq with alittle dbol would be good bro.

    Nolv and HCg post cycle.


    • #3
      Test 500mgs 1-10
      Dbol(optional)35mgs 1-4


      • #4
        thanx i appreciate ur posts.


        • #5
          how old are you?


          • #6
            Originally posted by GearTripper
            how old are you?
            That would help



            • #7
              Im 18, to be 19 in janurary. I have been training seriously since i was 16. I know im young.


              • #8
                IMO I think that you are too would be worth it if you would wait few more years.....your still growning.....


                • #9
                  Originally posted by DecaDaVe
                  Im 18, to be 19 in janurary. I have been training seriously since i was 16. I know im young.
                  that's why i asked (wondered why no one else had?) - but anywyas, you have incredible size and dedication for someone your age. but still, you've only been at it for a few years. i worked out for onver 10 years before my first cycle. your natural test production is going strong right now. i wouldn't messa round with that. don't risk your future health to gain a few pounds just yet.. you're HUGE already is soo many people eyes. even in BB circles, 215 is pretty f'n big. hang in there naturally for a bit longer if you can.


                  • #10
                    I appreciate your imput and I know I have good size, but im just so curious to see what one cycle would do. I have friends who have done roids and have seen there gains, and i feel like I am soo much more educated on roids, training, and nutrietion then they are that if i did do it, the gains could be amazing and just enough to get me to the size I tihnk I could compete in a show. I dont know, thats just my theory behind doing them this age. Does one cycle totally mess up my natural testerone forever, or just temporarily....?


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by DecaDaVe
                      I appreciate your imput and I know I have good size, but im just so curious to see what one cycle would do. I have friends who have done roids and have seen there gains, and i feel like I am soo much more educated on roids, training, and nutrietion then they are that if i did do it, the gains could be amazing and just enough to get me to the size I tihnk I could compete in a show. I dont know, thats just my theory behind doing them this age. Does one cycle totally mess up my natural testerone forever, or just temporarily....?

                      The longer you train natural, the bigger and more freaky you will be when you finally get on the gas. You are growing like mad already by the sounds of it, and with some good solid training and diet you will keep on growing. If you wait you will be glad. Hang in til you are 21 bro. . .you will thank yourself for it!
                      keep safe


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by DecaDaVe
                        Does one cycle totally mess up my natural testerone forever, or just temporarily....?
               a word; YES. and also no :) you may know soo much more than your friends, and that's a good thing. but you will then also know that it would be better wait until your body has done maturing. i would say at the very least wait until your into your 20's for your first cycle. your're only turing 19. i bet with the proper diet you could gain more than your friends who are using AS at this point... still, even. i would suggest we first look at your diet and then training. let us know waht your daily food intake is.


                        • #13
                          Well this is my first year of college and my deit is lmiited to the food at the cafeteria....but i eat breakfast every morning which is usually a load of scrammbled eggs, 3 pancakes, a few pieces of bacon, a glass of milk and a piece of fruit. Then have a 30g detour bar mid morning and for lunch i have two turkey and cheese sandwhichs on wheat, and whatever food is at the cafeteria, usually a burger or fries, or pizza....then i nap from 12-4pm. then i train for usually around 2 hours depending on what day it is....then i get back take 10g of creatine, 5g glutamine, and go eat dinner....dinner usualy consists of some kind of meat or pasta along with gatorade for my carbs....then i drink a chocolate dream protein shake (35g) before bed. thats basically my diet day and day out, at the begging of the semester my body was responding well to it, i went from 203- 216 in 2 months, but since then i have platued around 215 for about 6 weeks, i know its a part of training but it sux....
                          As for training....i train 5 times a week...monday-chest, wednesday-back and shoulders, thursday-light legs (hams), Friday- bis and tris, Sunday- Legs.......rep range is usually 12-10-8-6...usually superset things once a month to change up a lil.....
                          let me know if there is anything else you wanna know,
                          thanx for ur time.


                          • #14
                            I also suggest waiting until you are through with your growing ages. Men traditionally do not stop growing until around 20 to 21. Also, your tes. levels should be the highest they will ever be right now at age 18. I am not sure if you realize that any excess tes. that can not be utilized by your body transfers to estrogen. Also, anabolic steroids can supress your HDL (Good CHO), and since you should already have suffecint amounts of Tes. the excess would really increase your risks of many diseases. I would also recommend waiting. Let us know your current diet and exercise plan and watch your HDL andLDL levels closly if you decide to go ahead.
                            Good LUck


                            • #15
                              By the way there is no reason for the gatroade for extra carbs. I would suggest water to rehydrate your body, you get plenty of carbs in the rest of your diet. I personally would re-evaluate my diet. Yet, at eighteen you can eat just about anything and get away with it! You should try getting more omega fatty acids, they are abundant in fish. Also, cut down on the simple carbs... pancakes. Do you drink any form of Alchol? If so these too are simple sugars. How many grams of protein are you taking in total? For a lifter it should be between 0.8 and 1.2 grams of protein per kg of body weight. The rest is a waste!!!!!!! Oh, one more thing do you do any form of Cardio?

