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Male opinions/info for anti-e's 4 WOMEN

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  • Male opinions/info for anti-e's 4 WOMEN

    i've been reading the female forum, but would like to see if more discussion can come from this forum on the female using anti-e's for extended periods of time, in excess for the typical 4-6 weeks. your thoughts?

  • #2
    I would be very, very cautious of women using anti-e's


    • #3
      why would she need anti-e's in the first place, is what Im wondering?

      Novladex would be a bit safer than using anything else


      • #4
        Originally posted by Doom
        why would she need anti-e's in the first place, is what Im wondering?

        Novladex would be a bit safer than using anything else
        typically, prior to contest to tighten up the skin and shed excess weight. but i'm curious as to long-term usage effects.


        • #5
          I know women who use novla for that reason, but never heard them going beyond that


          • #6
            Originally posted by Doom
            I know women who use novla for that reason, but never heard them going beyond that
            me neither; that's why i'm asking... hoping to start some good debate on the subject.


            • #7
              Originally posted by GearTripper
              typically, prior to contest to tighten up the skin and shed excess weight. but i'm curious as to long-term usage effects.
              you wouldn't want to do it long term period; unless you were doing it for a medicinal reason and were under a doctor's supervision. would you want to voluntairly suppress your natural production of test? there is definitely a natural hormonal axis that is very different for men and women and our physiologies function differently based on our hormonal balance. if you think about it, you put a woman on it early, it would be voluntarily throwing them into early menopause.

              IMHO, there's really no debate. the only reason to look into using an anti-e as a woman is to shed that last bit for contest prep in the short term. and even in uses like that, there is usually a fairly strong estrogen rebound leading to the regaining of all the weight and perhaps more after you stop the regimine.


              • #8
                I know several fbb's who use Nolva year round with no ill effects.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by sana
                  would you want to voluntairly suppress your natural production of test?
                  well; aren't we "voluntarily" suppressing out natural test production by using AS... some of us year-round? i uderstand what you are saying, but specifically, what is soo bad about the early "menopause" syndrome you speak of? being a man, i can only think of a few positives like no more period right? also, the benefit of not having soo much of that natural fat production going on.


                  • #10
                    no shes pretty much right, a womans body feeds off estrogen like we do test. We have synthetic test to supply the bodies shut down when we start pumping other things in ourselves...the only thing that I clud realtivly think of using for a woman, would be HCG

                    And menopause, goes beyond the stopping of the menstrual far is beyond me, but Im sure one of our lovely ladies would like to explain this for us

                    Im linking this to the womens section


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by GearTripper
                      well; aren't we "voluntarily" suppressing out natural test production by using AS... some of us year-round? i uderstand what you are saying, but specifically, what is soo bad about the early "menopause" syndrome you speak of? being a man, i can only think of a few positives like no more period right? also, the benefit of not having soo much of that natural fat production going on.
                      like doom said, while your natural production of test is being shut down while you are on any AAS, you are doing so because you are breaking down your body's natural feedback loop because you are essentially overloading your system with test and your body senses that it can stop production b/c there is more than enough flowing around. as for a woman, you are not supplementing your system with more estrogen.

                      now while anti-e's such as arimidex and novladex are used in the long term to treat breast cancer, i do not know of the doese compared to the doeses used in bb purposes. but remember these women are also under constant medical supervision.

                      as far as pseudo-menopause, this can be induced by a woman reaching a low enough bf% naturally. as a woman's bf% gets lowered enough, she will start to lose her period b/c her body sense that she does not have enough fat to support a pregnancy, so the body automatically shuts that down. when a woman in the sport takes an anti-e, she is already in the low bf% and needs the extra boost to help loose the slight bit of water she is holding, this is not a long term solution for a woman to lose weight.

                      as for health problems associated with menopause, you can see a more detailed list if you look it up on webmd, but the main ones are osteoporosis, heart disease, loss of muscle, and i believe an increase chance for incontinence. then if you are considering giving it to a woman in the long term who has not had children and still within child bearing years, you can run the risk of lowering her fertility.

                      if you are thinking of trying to "rid" your girl of other sources of estrogen that she thinks may be holding on to a last bit of fat, one option to consider before even looking at anti-e's is to remove her from her birth control pill. though it is a small dose you are still effectively putting a synthetic estrogen into your system.


                      • #12
                        I agree with Sana on the birth control pill option.


                        • #13
                          Wow top of the line information ladies.. gt listen to what they are telling you . early menapause is not a good or healthy thing for your beautiful women to do to herself. Shit she is fine just where she is but if she continues to have this need to lose more bf I don't know what to tell you....most women cannot and should not look like fitness models all year long. It is just not healthy bro. Ink


                          • #14
                            From my experience I have found no weight gain from birth control pills. Some women are unfortunate and gain weight, but thankfully not me. Also, my periods are so light it's unreal...almost like I never actually have one. Thirdly, the menopause syndrome is something no woman is looking forward to. Side effects such as cold sweats and hot flashes are two very uncomfortable occurances which happen around that time.


                            • #15
                              just so everyone knows... i have no plans to give my girl any type of anti-e. i was just browsing the forums and noticed that there wasn't much discussion on this topic outside of the few womens forums i could find. it just got me interested as on the surface it appeared it might be abused as a fat-loss supplement in society. i was also watching some commercial on leprotrim (sp) that costs around 300/mo and that was crazy. not sure what that stuff does either. but anyways, this is a good discussion with good info - thnx!

