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Who thinks that UG, and powders are the TRUE wave of the future

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  • Who thinks that UG, and powders are the TRUE wave of the future

    These guys are really taking over, I mean this has exploded like some unstoppable virus.
    Domestics are chaging an arm and a leg for quality "human" pharamacuticals, our firends in other parts of the world are having a hard time geting things here and then begin loosing when reshipping has to begin..and very few younger guys have the bucks to shell out for an effective cycle...and as well have noticed even the QV empire of quality has gone to the shiter

    Powder, is taking over...its becoming so damn cost effective, that why bother with a real company, why not have Darth Vadar make ur cyp at 500mg/ml in a 20ml bootle for 120 bucks...theres the base for ur cycle in one shot..

    Im not pulling that dose, quantity or price oput of my ass, Ive seen it, and spoke to those who have used it..its as good as anything else, possibly better

    The real companies will always have their place, but I say within the next few yrs, sources will carry nothing but homebrews. Again, we cant even keep track of whos who, and whats good...what happens in a few yrs from now when its become even more rampant

    I forsee a very, mixed future, dark and bright...with the hopes of a cost effective more productive material being produced..I also see the darkside of this, sacamming will beyond the plague that it is now

  • #2
    i don't forsee this going mainstream (legal & regulated) anytime soon; so i would presume more damage than good. as you said, too many possible fakes. it's gonna be a hit & miss sorta thing. really good stuff or really bad.


    • #3
      You know I was just daydreaming about this the other day....we just need a system to keep the homebrew (UGs) in know the old 6% mg/ml give or take we hold to the legit mainstream pharmacies...


      • #4
        Originally posted by 6p6
        You know I was just daydreaming about this the other day....we just need a system to keep the homebrew (UGs) in know the old 6% mg/ml give or take we hold to the legit mainstream pharmacies...
        so not only will be delve in illegal drugs but we become blackmarket police to find and charge those who underdose their gear. LOL The underground scene will never take off as the main supply. bottom line is to many guys are hit and miss and sometimes these guys dissapear. at least when a vet company or human company goes out of business it will be reported in the newspaper. I think the way of the future is just guys making it themselves and using what they make not selling it. I plan on making my own shit very soon. like doom said if I can get 500mg/ml and make 50 mls of that for about 100 dollars why go to a dealer. about the only good thing about the powder is scene is that it will keep the prices down from dealers.


        • #5
          If and when a top-notch UG lab has the foresight to keep quality consistenly high and meet demand even after they get wildly popluar, there'd be no reason to ever pay out the wazoo for pharm gear ever again.


          • #6
            Originally posted by hitmansb
            If and when a top-notch UG lab has the foresight to keep quality consistenly high and meet demand even after they get wildly popluar, there'd be no reason to ever pay out the wazoo for pharm gear ever again.
            problem is, is that there is always the wild-card in there. there are no legal ramifications for this person to keep on the straight and narrow. now I know human and vet companies are not perfect but at least they have some quality control.


            • #7
              i dont trust UG anymore. not after QV and ttokyo. here in canada we have PVL, i dont even know if its good shit. thats why i will stick to a name brand ,whether it is vert or human grade. at least u know it isnt underdosed.

              there is nothing more fkin annoying than takin 750mg of test and only getting 400mg.. thats pointless.

              and know with mexican gear, u might as well multiply ur dose by 1.5, cause thats how underdosed it is !

              cheers !


              • #8
                I agree that it is going to getter harder and harder to keep track and be sure of who/what your dealing with.

                That's why everyone must be that much more dilligent in checking all their sources and keeping up on who their purchasing from etc. Reputation is the one thing that will keep a good company from going bad.


                • #9
                  Its a scary thing to think of, the demands are becoming such that when I get PMs asking for a source(which I dont give, so dont ask) they are looking for UG due to the combinations and cost

                  No one wants to do it the old fashoin way, 20cc a week of a 100mg/ml substance, todays newbies are just a bunch of pussies, they want one shot to last them a month, this is why they will take over

                  Mark my words folks, 5 yrs from now, ur friendly neighborhood importer is gonna be put out of buisness, by the guy who can whip up the best brew...I can smell it coming


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Doom

                    No one wants to do it the old fashoin way, 20cc a week of a 100mg/ml substance, todays newbies are just a bunch of pussies, they want one shot to last them a month, this is why they will take over

                    i stilllove the pain i get from injections. I just love it when i do test since its 200mgs a ml, I shoot all around the body, butt, triceps, shoulders, etc. Never done calves though.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by hitmansb
                      If and when a top-notch UG lab has the foresight to keep quality consistenly high and meet demand even after they get wildly popluar, there'd be no reason to ever pay out the wazoo for pharm gear ever again.
                      Problem lies that this world is all about everyone looking to screw someone to make that almighty buck. It happens in legit business so you can pretty much expect it to happen when dealing with something illegal. Damn company's put out a good product to get a good name and once they've got that name they'll try to F**k you by underfilling here and underdosing there. It's a damn shame but it's something we can expect to continue for a long long time.


                      • #12
                        there is something beginning though...some of these UG's are only taking in a certain amount of customers and then they cut the list off...I think those guys who purposelly stay small will last longer and keep more accurate UGL for thought.

