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Well I'm sick and pissed!!

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  • Well I'm sick and pissed!!

    I've taken 3 bottles of QV Enantat #13 and I'm learning it could be the cause of my flu. I had a sore throat, fever, slight loss of appetite, and chills. Is is true the QV could be the cause of this? I still have a bottle left, should I take it? It is flu season so maybe I got it from someone else. I have a contest coming up in a couple of monthes, is there anything else I should take?

  • #2
    Nothing you can take SHOULD HAVE taken the flu shot about a month ago though!


    • #3
      i'm in the same boat... starting my third week and plagued with problems the past few days. first a bad glute shot that hurt for a couple days, now flu like symptoms and loss of sleep. 4 days in a row and haven't worked out yet. on the plus side, i'm using this time to give my body a chance to recoup and i'll hit the fucking weights that much harder when i go back. i'll probably force myself to take one more day off just because. i'm also stressed right now cause it's slow season for my business and i feel as though my company is tanking big time... but i know it's not deep down inside. lots of mental bullshit going on in my head this week to say the least.


      • #4
        Stay positive, stay sharp! even in this bad time which will subside GearTripper. That's the way we should think and do things.


        • #5
          Re: Well I'm sick and pissed!!

          Originally posted by FeelThis
          I've taken 3 bottles of QV Enantat #13 and I'm learning it could be the cause of my flu. I had a sore throat, fever, slight loss of appetite, and chills. Is is true the QV could be the cause of this? I still have a bottle left, should I take it? It is flu season so maybe I got it from someone else. I have a contest coming up in a couple of monthes, is there anything else I should take?
          What part of the Country are you in? Reason I ask is because its one of the worst flu seasons here in the US.


          • #6
            I will gladly dispose of your QV gear for ya!!!:agree:


            • #7
              Hang in there Tripper.


              • #8
                Are you getting injection soreness? When ever I get swollen injection sites I end up with the same symtoms you are talking about


                • #9
                  sunday's shot was the bad one (left glute)... swelled the next day, then pain and slight redness the day after, went down with no pain finally. last night shot (right glute) still no pain or swelling yet. i think i just did a bad shot, not deep enough or something. i'm shooting twice a week with no other problems that i know of, except for being tired this week.


                  • #10
                    Could be the flu, season is pretty bad. As far as test. goes though, I always get the test. flu during a cycle with the same symptoms that you described. It would go away in a few days.


                    • #11
                      I had two cypionate glute shots, right and left, its still painfull

                      and I've loosing sleep also


                      • #12
                        i got strep throat. i cant eat and i have slept so much i cant sleep. i know how you feel bro i hate this time of year.


                        • #13
                          Damn I feel bad for all you sickies out there. So far so good for me knock on wood knock knock knock lol. Whats wrong with all you youngens dont know when to come in out of the rain :D

                          Geartripper If i had a women that looked like yours to come home to I would not mind staying at home sick and I think you should suggust she give you a glute massage too while you are under the weather.....:agree:


                          • #14
                            im sick, boooooooooooooo i hate veing sick


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by GearTripper
                              i'm in the same boat... starting my third week and plagued with problems the past few days. first a bad glute shot that hurt for a couple days, now flu like symptoms and loss of sleep. 4 days in a row and haven't worked out yet. on the plus side, i'm using this time to give my body a chance to recoup and i'll hit the fucking weights that much harder when i go back. i'll probably force myself to take one more day off just because. i'm also stressed right now cause it's slow season for my business and i feel as though my company is tanking big time... but i know it's not deep down inside. lots of mental bullshit going on in my head this week to say the least.
                              just have that gorgeous girl of yours to give you some extra attention. i know that would make me feel better! lol ;)

